Which iGV project in USP is your match?

Which iGV project in USP is your match?

We have four projects that can change São Paulo! Which one of them fits your interests and personality? Let's see?!



Which group of people do you prefer to work with?

Young and adults

How would you describe yourself?

I prefer to do individual work and elaborate strategies
I like sharing my knowledge to do a world a better place
I understand social facts and what is happening in the world
I like to embrace a cause and bring more people to it

In my creating process I prefer to

Manage projects, create campaigns, strategy planning
Discuss about personal topics in groups that together can create an innovative idea

Do you prefer to

Teach spanish/english through new educational tendencies
Discuss and realize activites about climate, social and economic problems
Strategically plan and develop possiblities to help NGO's growth
Discuss about women empowerment and realize acitvities to develop leadership skills

What do you hope to develop in yourself with this volunteer experience?

Teaching skills
Knowledge about sustainability
Marketing and Administration skills
Knowledge about social inclusion
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