Which Maggie Civantos character are you?

Which Maggie Civantos character are you?

Find out which of the characters played by Maggie on television or in movies you most resemble! Come find out more about yourself!

Imagem de perfil user: mcshines

If you went to a desert island which of these objects would you carry with you?

A gun
Photo of my family

If a friend commits a crime and asks for your help, what do you do?

I try to help my friend to find a solution to not get caught.
I distract my friend and call the police. Justice must be done.
I need to earn something in exchange for the help. I don't trust anyone, I don't have friends.
I won't help my friend because I have my own problems. But I'm not handing him over to the police.
I help. It's one more adventure!

How do you deal with traumas in your life?

I try to forget and start over becoming stronger. I try not to hold my grievances.
I usually drink to forget.
Traumas are part of my story, I just try to live in peace with them.
I do not forget. The guilty must pay for the harm they do.
I don't have time for trauma. I'm busy living.

If someone annoys you what do you usually do?

I walk away, I don't want people to annoy me around. Just good friends.
I'll probably fuck off and walk away.
I ignore it, I don't have time for boring people.
I invite to drink with me. Maybe the person needs some fun.
I do not know. It depends on how my mood is.

Which of these characteristics define you?

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