Which Marvel Anti-Hero Are You?
An anti-hero is a protagonist who lacks the traditional virtues typically associated with heroes. Anti-heroes are not inherently evil characters, but they sometimes engage in morally questionable actions.

How do you handle conflict situations?
With humor and sarcasm, even if the situation is serious.
Using brute force and intimidating opponents.
Manipulating circumstances in your favor with intelligence.
With a direct and ruthless approach.
Trying to regain control and do what is right.
Using your espionage skills and stealth tactics.
Working as a team, even if it’s hard to trust others.

Which of these qualities do you value most in yourself?
The ability to make jokes in any situation.
Strength and resilience.
Cunning and charm.
Determination and focus.
Loyalty to friends.
Combat and espionage skills.
The ability to lead and make tough decisions.

How do you prefer to solve problems?
With an irreverent and creative approach.
Facing them head-on with strength.
Manipulating people and situations.
Eliminating the threat without hesitation.
Trying to find a balance between good and evil.
Using stealth tactics and intelligence.
Working as a team and using complex strategies.

What motivates you to fight?
Fun and chaos.
Revenge and justice.
Power and control.
Pain and personal loss.
Redemption and friendship.
Duty and loyalty.
Mission and purpose.

What is your greatest fear?
Losing your sense of humor.
Being unable to protect the innocent.
Losing control.
Being consumed by revenge.
Failing to redeem yourself.
Being betrayed.
Failing your mission.