Which Marvel character would you be?

Which Marvel character would you be?

Which Marvel character would you be based on your answers! 🦸‍♂️🦸‍♀️🦹‍♂️🦹‍♀️💭 Enjoy the quiz and comment 🤍 by: Nicole Machado✨️

Imagem de perfil user: Nicole Machado

Nicole Machado


How do you react in front of a crises?

How do you react in front of a crises?

Keep calm and make an strategic plan
Trust in my strength and keep going.
Try to use my intelligence to find a solution
Meet my team and work together with them.
Use my charm and social abilities to solve the situation (🤣)
What is you main motivation?

What is you main motivation?

Live the best life possible
Find my life purpose
Prove my value and intelligence
Fight for justice and equality
Help the others (good karma soul)
How do you feel with teamwork?

How do you feel with teamwork?

I prefer to work solo and be the best.
I prefer to lead the team and make the decisions.
I love collaborating and learning with my team.
I am a team person and support my colleagues.
I like to use my charismatic personality to make everyone together.
What are your ideas to solve problems?

What are your ideas to solve problems?

Strategic analysis and planing first.
I kinda trust in my potential and physical abilities
I use technology and science.
Empathy and understanding what people feel and think
Communication and persuasion (I am a great improviser)
How would you describe your life style?

How would you describe your life style?

A lot of adventures, searches and discoveries.
Focused on self knowledgement and training.
Surrounded by hardwork and difficulties
My life is dedicated for my family and friends
balanced between social life and work
Which quality describes you the most?

Which quality describes you the most?

Intelligent and Resilient
Joyful and Friendly
Vivacious and Reliable
Curious and Sincere
Kind and Generous
Which flaw do you identify with?

Which flaw do you identify with?

Arrogant and Selfish
Cold and Ignorant
Moody and Revenger
Self-doubted and Insecure
Stubborn and Impulsive
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