Which personality fairy represents you most?
That's my english work :)
1- Which of these images below do you like the most?




2- Which of these do you identify with the most?
confident, talkative, funny and understanding
Optimistic, empathetic, hopeful and calm
Shy, insecure, imaginative and simplistic
Smart, introspective, reflective and unique
3- When your friend is going through a difficult time, what do you usually do?
I provide emotional support, paying more attention to his feelings.
I try to make him laugh, so he forgets about the problem
I try to help him emotionally, but I end up failing.
I provide solutions to your problem, even if it means disregarding your emotional aspects.
4- In a group activity, how do you usually act?
I stay focused on the goal, trying to keep a direct discussion about what we will do.
I give creative suggestions, sometimes straying from the main topic, but trying to get back to the objective.
I remain silent, just taking orders
Receiving orders, but also giving suggestions.
5- How do you imagine yourself in the future?
successful and working hard to achieve more success
Even with some controversies, I can see myself achieving my goals.
I'm not sure. The future looks like a scary scenario.
I'm not sure, but I try to stay focused on some goals.
6- How do you feel about the past?
I don't miss it. I'm the kind of person who focuses more on the present, mainly, and on the future.
I miss it, but I prefer to just focus on the present.
I miss it a lot, but at the same time, I only remember the bad situations.
I keep thinking about the mistakes I've made.
7- Which season do you like the most?




8- What do you usually do in your free time?
I study and practice my few hobbies
Nothing too interesting. Maybe just spending hours on my phone.
I try not to spend hours on social media, so I go out for a bit or try to be creative. However, I always fail.
I don't feel like stay on my phone at all, so I actually do something creative, like drawing, painting, crafting, or any other hobby.
9- Which of these do you identify with most?
Extroverted. I like to communicate and always have something to say
Extroverted, but I have some social limitations.
Introverted. However, I am very talkative with those I trust.
Introvert. Even with those I'm close to, I feel like I'm bothering them.
10- How do you usually act when you are interested in someone?
I'll talk to the person right away, analyzing every aspect of them and getting closer and closer.
I go up to her and don't waste time, I tell her my intentions or make my interest clear.
I try to get closer, but I don't show interest, I just hope that she will naturally become interested in me
I watch her silently, keeping my feelings to myself