Which pet are you?

Which pet are you?

With this quiz you're going to know what kind of pet you are.

Imagem de perfil user: Laura 189

Laura 189



How do you talk with people?

I don't, I always clam up around people, I get too nervous
I love talking to people, I always chit chat.
I don't talk much, and when I do its usually banter.
I try to, but it usually ends up with me talking shop.

What do you do in an argument?

I am always retaliating, so the argument never really ends
I tend to go off on a tangent, trying to change the subject
It starts off serious, but it usually ends with banter.

How do you work in teams?

I tend to go on and on about how I'm right
I do a lot of the work, but I always confer with someone.
I get distracted with the other people, usually going off on a tangent and forgetting the work.

How are you in a party?

I do lots of chit chatting with everyone.
I don't like parties, so I tend to clam up and stay in a corner
I always butt in on people's conversations, so I don't get talked to very often.

how do you broach a sensitive subject with someone?

I have a heart-to-heart with the person, better to get it over with
I tend to confer with someone else first, just to make sure.
I can't have very serious conversations, so I just thrash out the subject and leave it alone.
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