Which Ranger are you?

Which Ranger are you?

Do this quizz and find out which Ranger do you match the most

Imagem de perfil user: Angelo Felipe

Angelo Felipe



Which one do you recognize with the most?

Loyal (A person who never betrays you)
brave (possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance)
nice (pleasing; agreeable; delightful)
kind (a good or benevolent nature or disposition, as a person)
Short-tempered ( Someone who gets angry easily)
Smart (having a quick-witted inteligence or showing It)

Which one do you recognize with the most?

Charming (Has a natural aura that attracts people towards them)
Rebellious (That goes against established)
Adaptable (Can adapt to any situation in whatever circumstances he is in)
Wisdom (Always know what to say for your friends in a difficult situation.)
Courage (The one who jumps in the danger without fear, always fighting as the front line)
Passionate (Loves what you does)

Which one do you recognize with the most?

gentle (kindly; amiable)
lovely (of a great moral or spiritual beauty)
happy (delighted, pleased, or glad, as over a particular thing)
Childish ( a person who acts like a child)
Skilled (Someone who's skillful)
Conflicted – Struggles with his identity and inner demons

Which one do you recognize with the most?

Heroic – Constantly steps up when needed, embodying the qualities of a true hero.
Resilient – Bounces back from setbacks, demonstrating strength in adversity.
Nonchalant (A Mysterious person, that can make other have difficult reading his expressions)
Insightful (Someone who is Sharp/Keen)

Which one do you recognize with the most?

Empathetic: Being able to share and feel what others feel
Compassionate: Showing sympathy for another's suffering
adaptable (can change to fit its environment, whether that environment is natural or social)
frank (to be honest)
intuitive (you can probably guess what this word means just by looking at it)
persistent (If something is persistent, it just won't stop)
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