Who are you in The picture of Dorian Gray

Who are you in The picture of Dorian Gray

In this test you will find out which of the characters from the book "The Picture of Dorian Gray" you most identify with!


How do you deal with challenges and adversity?

I try to adapt and use my creativity to overcome them.
I tend to get carried away by emotions and sometimes this leads me to make impulsive decisions.

How do you feel about art and beauty?

Art is a deep expression of the soul and beauty is the greatest source of inspiration.
I appreciate art, but I think superficial beauty can be deceiving.

Choose your favorite color from the options below.


How do you deal with personal secrets and sins?

I try to confront my sins and learn from them.
I hide my sins and do everything to protect my public image.

How do you influence the people around you?

Generally seeks to provoke critical thinking and reflection in others.
I enjoy influencing people to explore their desires.

What is most important to you in a relationship?

Trust and emotional connection are key to me.
Burning passion and romance are essential.

How do you react when someone you love is in danger?

I would do everything in my power to protect this person, even if it means taking risks.
I am cautious and calculating in assessing the situation before taking any action.

How do you react when someone criticizes your artwork?

I take criticism seriously and constantly seek to improve my craft.
Criticism can be harder, but I try to keep perspective and not let it affect my self-esteem.

What is your opinion on justice and revenge?

I prefer to find import solutions and avoid conflicts whenever possible.
I believe that justice must be pursued at all costs, and revenge can be justified.

How do you deal with people who vehemently disagree with your opinions?

I enjoy debating and provoking opposing thoughts, regardless of whether you agree with me or not.
Avoid conflicts and disagreements and try to keep the peace.

How do you feel about aging?

I believe that aging is part of life and should be accepted with dignity.
I would do anything to keep my youth and beauty forever.
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