who are you? Let's know more you!

who are you? Let's know more you!

In this quizz we prepared to know more about you and your hobbies! let's know more each other?

Imagem de perfil user: Our English

Our English


and about books? Do you like reading?

and about books? Do you like reading?

Yes, of coursee!
no, not my mood!
Do you like listening to music?
If yes, let me know what kind of! let's rock 'n roll togeather!

Do you like listening to music? If yes, let me know what kind of! let's rock 'n roll togeather!

YEEES, let's rock 'n roll!!
YEEES, let's rock 'n roll!!
I love pop music
I love pop music
I preffer sertanejo ones!
I preffer sertanejo ones!
I'm a classic person!
I'm a classic person!
Do you enjoy watching tv shows in your free time?

This is about knowing the kind of interest you have!
If you like doing it, why not in english with the subtitle in portuguese, to train your english while you have fun?

Do you enjoy watching tv shows in your free time? This is about knowing the kind of interest you have! If you like doing it, why not in english with the subtitle in portuguese, to train your english while you have fun?

Yeaaah! I love suspense tv shows
Yeaaah! I love suspense tv shows
love family shows!
love family shows!
I just LOVE fun ones!
I just LOVE fun ones!
I really wanna know more about you!!! what kind of person you consider you are?

I really wanna know more about you!!! what kind of person you consider you are?

I'm more calm, and like chilling at home
I'm very ansious, and love beeing full of things to do!
And about your english?
Do you like it, do you consider you have problems learning?

And about your english? Do you like it, do you consider you have problems learning?

I'm easy going with leanguages, I learn fast!
I have some difficulties, but I make my efforts!
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