Who in the group are you?
Choose the alternatives that you most identify with. After that, you will receive a result that is most similar to you.

When you go out for a party, …
You get angry, you dance in a weird way and you need drink to be happy.
You get crazy, you disappear every moment and you reconsider your attitudes when the party is over.
You get crazy, but in a conscientious way, you don’t need to drink to be happy and you “get married” at the party.
You stay quiet, if you can you don’t go to the party, you are selective and ashamed.

At the school, …
You do all the works with antecedence, you ask everything to the teachers, you fight against injustice and you study everyday.
You do all the works with one day left to deliver, you study to the tests and fail all of them, you talk a lot at the classes and you don’t ask nothing to the teachers.
You do all the works, with antecedence, you think about it everyday, you study so much to the tests and you get distracted during the classes.
You get stressed with tests and works, you do everything with antecedence, you study to the tests, you pay attention and talk to and you friends at the classes
If you could eat only one food for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
Rice, meat and french fries
Beans and broccoli
What TV series do you like the most?
Grey’s Anatomy
La casa de Papel
Gossip Girl

When you have to do a work in group…
You set up everything that is necessary and take the lead of the work
You give creative ideas, you search the informations, but get very distracted
You get stressed, but is focused too. You take care of the decorations of the work and want to do everything fast
You help with everything, you give your opinion, get distracted but is focused too
What kind of the movie do you prefer
Romantic comedy
In the kitchen…
You know how to cook the essencial, you wouldn’t die of hunger, but when is time to learn a new recipe, you give up
You don’t know how to cook, you wouldn’t die of hunger or you would set fire at the house trying to fry an egg
MASTERCHEF! You know perfectly how to cook, you make delicious recipes and your specialty is baking bakes
You know the basic of the basic, know how to cook brigadeiro, rice and meat
When you are getting ready to go out…
You are the fastest one, and you are always an time
You are the slowest one, but always know what to dress and you get ready with antecedence
You don’t get too late and you never what to dress
You get dressed very slow and you are always late
Who are you when you have to take pictures in group?
You like the photos
You need to take a lot of them
You don’t like any, but accept
You don’t like any and don’t accept
How much of water do you drink in a day?
500 mL