who is your mate? my ocs 222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222
ok too much twos.... anyway whatever who cares!
what do you think of love?
love it. oh ooops WHATEVER BYE! me- ... yeahhhhh hello other me
one thing that is worth dying for me- wow deeppp
vegeance! me- Ashfur? is that you?
one way to be free for once in your life me- loveee itttt
meh me- really?
bleerg srr that was just my vomit me- hate u
if I say firestar, what do you think?
every way possible for him to die bcs its funny me- I LUV U
a traitor bcs it is what he isssss me- hello wise cat
#dontfightashhehasgoodmotives me- #GETOUTAHERE
no herbs for him! me- .... okay, like the intention but give him some deathberries!
what is a firestar? me- glad to explain! a mousebrain!
a cute furballllllllllllllllllllllllllll me- I HATE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU GET OUTAA HEREE
the best #
#firestarisamousebrain me- #agreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
#loveiseverything me- #wowwwwww
#preciouschoosemeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee me- #youreanidiot
#herbs me- #frostheart
#kilingpartyallinvited me- #OHNO
#hateu me- #same!
choose one music from my playlist on spotify! (if u want to listen just search 'rubystarprecioushearthfireclan' on spotfy)
just like fire p!nk
counting stars one republic
bad romance lady gaga
stronger kelly clarkson
1o things i hate about you leah kate
abcdefu gayle and f#ck you lily allen
you met squirrelflight and firestar
i kill firestar, and squirrelflight became my bff bcs of it
ignore the stupid one and hang out with squilf
theaten to kill both if my ex dont leave his mate and choose me
give squilf catmint and firestar deathberries
kill both
kill squilf and hang out with firestar