Who "The picture of Dorian Gray"`s character you are?
Go through a magical journey of questions to discover which character of The Picture of Dorian Gray you are.

1- What would you do in a weekend?
Go to a party.
Painting a picture.
memorizing lines from a play.
Drink a lot

2- What would you do if someone died in front of you?
I would leave it on the floor dying
I would call for help
would hide the body
would run away
Cry on the floor

If a magician granted you a wish, what would it be?
Be young and beautiful forever
Find the love of your life
Know everything about science
Paint the most beautiful pictures in the world
eep everyone you love safe
Manage to manipulate everyone

If your house caught fire, what would you save?
Art materials
Your family
A present from your lover
Science's books
A picture of yourself

If you were an animal, what would you be?
A bear
A dog
A crow
A peacock
A snake
A swan

If your lover broke up with you, what would you do?
I would suffer a lot and never get over it
would be sad, but I would try to understand his side
I would be very angry and would chase him
I would freak out and attack him.
I would manipulate him to be my lover again
I would poison him

If a friend tells you they did something horrible, what would you do?
Try to convince him to go to the police
Tell him that it isn't his fault
Get scared but stay by his side
Use this to threaten you
Get angry with him and go to the police
Help him to get away of this

What is your favorite place in the world?
Any place with interesting and rich people

If you were told you only had one year left to live, what would you do?
Go to a lot of parties
Fall in love
Make new scientific discoveries
Protect your family
Paint a lot of pictures
Try to stay young and beautiful until the end

If you died, how would you like to be remembered?
As a great artist
As a beautiful and young person
As a family protector
As a rich and clever person
As a famous scientist
As a passionate