Who you would be in the British royal family
Find out who you would be if you were a member of the royal family.
Choose a color chart:
primary colors
pastel tones
earthy tones
neutral colors
In your group of friends you are the one who:
loves parties
prefers to be discreet
is engaged and likes to talk about what he or she stands for
is always taking pictures of everyone
If you could define yourself, you would say you are:
A leader
A kind person
A caring person
A sweetheart
When it comes to love, what would you do?
I would give up important things to follow my heart
I would date a person I like, even if it's not love
For me, love is not above and beyond everything else
I would do everything to be loved by friends and family, which is essential
I would marry to spend the rest of my life with the one I love
Enjoying life is:
what matters most
always good, but duties call
being with someone I love
playing and being happy
What is the most important thing to you?
Being a good person and being able to inspire others
Going down in history
Helping others and sticking up for my ideals
Doing what I want and caring less about others
Being everybody's favorite
If you were from royalty:
You would care about your family legacy
You would enjoy life and be yourself regardless of traditions
You would enjoy all the pampering
You would give up your will for the greater good
You would use visibility to stick up for important causes
Which of these palaces would you live in?

Buckingham Palace - it has the largest private garden in London

Windsor Palace - it is located in a small town and is the oldest inhabited castle in Europe

Kensington Palace - it was built as a small villa to house the families and is surrounded by beautiful scenery
What do you like to do in your free time?
Taking care of my dogs, which I love
Doing sports
Driving around
Doing something productive
Watching TV series
Would you cope well with fame?
Yes, but I´d avoid it