Why don't...- The game

Why don't...- The game

Making decisions and help your friends to make their future. After that, see what happens to you.

Imagem de perfil user: Maryana Leite

Maryana Leite


What would you do? Your friend wants to go to the best party ever, after the class. But, she don't have good grades, and tomorrow it'll have a test. What would you say to her?

Go, girl! Be happy, the life is just one! Why don't you wear that beautiful dress?
Why don't you try to study a little before going to the party?
Let me help you studying with you. Forget that party, you don't need to have fun, just study, your stupid fox.

Your friend follow your advice. Next day, you see your mother going out to a date with your dad. But she's wearing a terrible clothes. What would you say?

Mom.... Why don't you put another clothes? This looks like a pizza in your belly.
It's incredible mom!!!
omg. Put this clothes off. Let's go shopping!

When you get out your house, you see a terrible scene. It's a dog crying because he's hungry. What would you do?

Hey dog, why don't you come home with me? I'll give you food.
omg he's so stinking

You go to school again and you see some girls saying bad things to another girl. What would you do?

Get of the way !!!!!!!! I WILL KILL YOU
Why don't you stop doing this?

This girl become you're best friend. When you're older, you see that stupid girls from your school. What would you do?

Beat her
Pass like a lady
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