wich doggo member would u be ?
a fun quiz where u can know which doggo member fits u the most ! -- ofc this is only a quiz and it will not be extremely sure abt which one actually fits u, im just doing this for fun for all of my doggo fans !! cover by @heartbreak_juan on twt/x quiz made by @autisticmichiru on twt/x
if u could past the rest of the day taking a break and relaxing, where would u go?
in home: maybe watching a movie or relaxing listing into a relaxing song
walking: no specific place where u want to go, just wandering with no worries, feeling the breeze of the wind in ur skin is the most relaxing thing to u
in a restaurant: eating ur favorite food alone while u just enjoy the movements of the audience? is there any better thing than that??
im the beach: nothing better than relaxing feeling the waves of the ocean in ur skin, and if u dont like going to the ocean u can relax laying in ur beach chair
when buying a product, what do u observe first on it?
the price
the quality
the validation
what kind of color pallet u think fits u the most?
neutral tones: black, white, gray, brown ...
cold tones: blue, green, purple, cyan ...
pastel/soft tones: pink, magenta, baby blue ...
hot tones: red, orange, yellow, peach ...
if u would be an animal, what animal could be??
domestic animals/pets: cat, dog, bunny ...
flying animals: crows, birds ...
water animals: fishes, jellyfishes, sharks ...
wild animals: crocodiles, capybaras, snakes ...
choose a phase u think abt the most
"am i really capable of it..?"
"my head is full, but i cant give up now..."
"why do plp misunderstand me?"
"...am i ever gonna be loved..? or valorized?"
what's the best way for u to express ur feelings for those u love? (romantically)
words of affection
acts of service
warmth touch
gifts (letters, songs, chocolates..)
last question: how do u see urself?
hopeless / empty
an object
a machine