Would you survive in Paraná?

Would you survive in Paraná?

Answer the questions and find out!

Imagem de perfil user: Jheny



Do you like to spend the winter with temperature bellow zero?

Do you like to spend the winter with temperature bellow zero?

YES, of course. I love the cold
NO, I don't want to die frozen
Do you like parties?

Do you like parties?

I LOVE PARTIES I love to going out with friends
I LOVE... staying at home
Do you like to dance?

Do you like to dance?

YESSS it is very funny
NOOO I am a tragedy at dancing
Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?

Do you prefer hot or cold drinks?

I am hot uiii awn awn
I am the Frozen
How do you dress in the cold?

How do you dress in the cold?

Very beautiful, I am elegant
I look like a homeless person
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