You have a interpersonal intelligence?

You have a interpersonal intelligence?

You have a interpersonal intelligence? Find out if you have the interpersonal intelligence through some questions. Made for: Reinaldo Kamke Camilo, Lorenzo Broch, Matheus Bernardes

Imagem de perfil user: Reinaldo Rei

Reinaldo Rei



Which of the following sentences defines more of your personality?

You are sensible with other people.
You don't care about other people.
you thing about yourself first.
You don't understand other people's feeling very well

In your friend's group, you usually give advices?

Yes i do.
No i don't.

Which of these words you identify yourself better? 1-Empathy 2-Solidarity 3-Attention

I don't identify myself in any of these words.

you see that One of your friends is kinda sad lately, what do you do in this situation?

You hang-out with him to relax.
You play a song with your instrument to cheer him up.
You talk to him to understand the situation and give advices about it.
Buy a present to him.

Are you a good communicator?

Yes i am.
No i'm not.
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