you would be a good mother?

you would be a good mother?

🍉Let's see if you have all the skills to raise a child. 🍉

Imagem de perfil user: Luna Nardoto Souto


After one year of marriage, you and your husband have decided to have a baby. 
The pregnancy was painful, and the delivery had to take place weeks earlier than planned.

After one year of marriage, you and your husband have decided to have a baby. The pregnancy was painful, and the delivery had to take place weeks earlier than planned.

I am calm, everything will work out.
Hoo my god!

The birth was a scare , the baby was born without crying, but lived.

I didn't say anything.
I could only say, oh my baby. 🥺
Her daughter's is Zoe. As time went by, the child grew bigger, and hardly cried at all.
When I gave her cow's milk, she would vomit after drinking it.

Her daughter's is Zoe. As time went by, the child grew bigger, and hardly cried at all. When I gave her cow's milk, she would vomit after drinking it.

I will communicate this with your pediatrician .
Goofing is normal .
😶‍🌫️Zoe was diagnosed with lactose intolerance. 😶‍🌫️

😶‍🌫️Zoe was diagnosed with lactose intolerance. 😶‍🌫️

Even if your special milk is very expensive, we buy.
Wow, how expensive, maybe a cheaper one...
One year anniversary.
Even though she was not walking yet, Zoe spoke well, but not very much.😁

One year anniversary. Even though she was not walking yet, Zoe spoke well, but not very much.😁

I was as concerned about her not walking yet.
Everyone has his or her time.

Zoe never liked to ride in a car. When they went on a trip she kept making repetitive movements in her chair the whole time until it sounded.

I sang songs to calm her down, never traveled with her again, but found her behavior normal for a baby.
I reported the case to the pediatrician.
Zoe is 3 years old and you decided to take her to school, but she did not adapt and cried.

Zoe is 3 years old and you decided to take her to school, but she did not adapt and cried.

We decided to give in.
We decided to force .
Zoe is 6 years old and you and your husband have decided to have one more baby.

Zoe is 6 years old and you and your husband have decided to have one more baby.

You are going to have a sister or brother, Zoe!
I said nothing .

Their youngest daughter has been born, her name is Suzie. Her delivery was uneventful.


Zoe is 10 years old and Suzie is 5 years old. Everything was perfect until her love for her husband ended.

Our separation was peaceful, for our daughters .
The separation was formed by fights .
A year later, you meet a new love who is very nice to Zoe and Suzie, but his youngest daughter curses and hits him out of jealousy.

A year later, you meet a new love who is very nice to Zoe and Suzie, but his youngest daughter curses and hits him out of jealousy.

I explained to her that I will always be her mother and her father will always be the same. Suzie went to therapy to work on this.
I was angered by his jealousy.

went to a car race. Suzie clapped her hands excitedly, but Zoe cried a lot and also covered her ears.

I got her out of there as quickly as possible.
I told her she looked retarded like that.
You have received a letter from Zoe's school, recommending you to see a neuropediatrician.

You have received a letter from Zoe's school, recommending you to see a neuropediatrician.

Postpone the consultation.
Make your appointment quickly.
Zoe was diagnosed with ASD, autism spectrum disorder.

Zoe was diagnosed with ASD, autism spectrum disorder.

It is impossible to feel acceptance at first, but after much research about it, I understood my daughter.
I did not accept the report.
I started treating Zoe differently.

Zoe is 13 years old. She told you that they call her weird at school and she wants to be home-schooled.

Tell her not to pay attention to it and let her study at home with the help of private teachers .
I told her just act like a normal person.
Suzie is 15 years old, she asked you if she could date.

Suzie is 15 years old, she asked you if she could date.

NO, you are crazy.
I need to meet him first.
You find Zoe in the bathroom crying 😢 
"I just wanted to be normal"

You find Zoe in the bathroom crying 😢 "I just wanted to be normal"

You are normal, my darling.
Then stop crying!
We are all different and there is nothing wrong with that. I love you like this, child.🥰
In spite of everything, her daughters grew up strong and happy! 

In spite of everything, her daughters grew up strong and happy! End!

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