your day in your vacation house

your day in your vacation house

how is your day?

Imagem de perfil user: Christmas Time

Christmas Time


how is your appearance

how is your appearance

How your outfit looks like

How your outfit looks like

And your hair style

And your hair style

How your house look like

How your house look like

How your room looks like

How your room looks like

You’re hungry so you go eat something

You’re hungry so you go eat something

After eating you go organize your clothes how they look like?

After eating you go organize your clothes how they look like?

You decided to go to the city centre and you put some makeup
What is the brand you’re using

You decided to go to the city centre and you put some makeup What is the brand you’re using

You do some shopping you bump into someone, who?

You do some shopping you bump into someone, who?

hates everyone
hates everyone
good person will be your best friend
good person will be your best friend
new in the city but everyone is in love with her
new in the city but everyone is in love with her
the model of the town she don't have friends and she asked to be your friend
the model of the town she don't have friends and she asked to be your friend
You come back to home and put your swimsuit

You come back to home and put your swimsuit

You go to the pool and go pick some pool snacks

You go to the pool and go pick some pool snacks

You go take a shower and put some clothes how you look like because you were going out to dinner

You go take a shower and put some clothes how you look like because you were going out to dinner

How the restaurant look like

How the restaurant look like

What do you eat

What do you eat

You come back to your vacation house and go sleep how your pijama look like.

You come back to your vacation house and go sleep how your pijama look like.


Finish the day do you like your day? should i do part 2?

of course
day two?
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