||~ Your Life If You Were A Warrior Cat ~||
||~ In this Quiz, it will be different. You will live your life as a Warrior Cat and choose different paths -- from a normal warrior life to a kit that was too sickly to become an apprentice -- the choice is yours. ~||
Coat Color
Black and White
Coat Patterns
Leopard Spots
Mackerel Tabby
Eye Color
Orange / Ginger
Fur Lenght
Long Haired
Short Haired
[The following questions may be personal, but it's important if you ever want a mate in the Quiz] Can your cat get pregnant? Can your cat get other cats pregnant?
Yes & Yes
Yes & No
No & Yes
No & No
Born Without a Leg
Fur Loose
Cannot Feel Scents
Character Name (Toms) (Non-Binaries can choose between tom and she-cat names)
I'm a She-Cat!
Character Names (She-Cats) (Non-Binaries can choose between tom and she-cat names)
I'm a Tom!
Your Clan
WarriorClan (A Clan made by some loners and rogues)
Everything is settled up! Are you ready to start your adventure?
No! (If no, too bad. You have no choice.)
You wake up on the Nursery, with your mother's warmth. Her fur was a sleek black and white. You had two siblings; one of them was a tan tabby and the other was a navy gray-blue. What's the first thing you will do?
Try to wake up my siblings
Try to wake up my mother
Try to crawl away from the Nursery
Run and leap around
Just lash your tail
Go back to sleep
Meow for some time
Drink some milk
Your mother wakes up, and licks your scruff. "Aww, you're awake!" She meows "I'm Badgerfur, your mother. And I decided to name you [Name]kit!" Badgerfur meowed and looked to your siblings. "The tan one is called Lionkit, and the blue one is Oceankit. However, you seem more clever." Badgerfur meowed "Tell me, do you know your gender?"
Stay silent
"..I don't knwow"
IF YOU ANSWERED SHE-CAT "That's right! I have such a clever little female." Badgerfur would meow IF YOU ANSWERED TOM "Correct! Aww! Such a strong little tom!" Badgerfur meowed IF YOU KEPT SILENT "It's okay if you don't want to talk. Even I'm shy sometimes." Badgerfur meowed IF YOU ANSWERED I DON'T KNOW "It's okay! Atleast I know I'm the proud mother of a strong little Tom/She-Cat!" Badgerfur meowed
Try to pounce on Badgerfur's paw
Lionkit suddenly wakes up and pounces on your head. You fall down, dizzy. But not hurt. As you stand up, you look to Lionkit and...
...Don't do anything
...Pounce back
..."Hey! Why'd ywou do thwat!?"
...Hiss at him
...Meow at him
...Remain quiet
...Run away from him
...Tell Badgerfur about his behaviour
Two moons later... You and your siblings are pretty excited, because your mother just said you can explore the camp now! As you go outside with Oceankit and Lionkit, you think about what place you should explore first.
The Highrock
The Medicine Den
The Warriors Den
The Apprentice Den
The Elders Den
Just keep walking around
Try to escape onto the Woods
Go back to the Nursery
The Medicine Cat shows up and tells you that you can go see her herb storage if you want What will you do?
Say "No" and keep exploring
Say "Yes" but run away
Say "Yes" and go see the herbs
Say "No" agressively and walk off
Say "Yes", but go back to the Nursery
Say "No" and go back to the Nursery
Later... Badgerfur tells you that the elders will be happy to tell you and your siblings a story. Your siblings charge to the Elders Den, and you wonder if you will go with them.
No, stay in the Nursery
Yes, go with them
No, leave the Nursery and explore the camp a little more
Tell "Yes" but don't go.
After some elder stories (If you went there with your siblings), you feel exhausted and return to the Nursery. You quickly fall asleep and dream of...
Starting your training as an apprentice
Becoming a medicine cat & learning about herbs
Fighting a dog
Killing the Clan leader
Exploring the forest
A forest fire
Being Clan leader
Being a mother/father
Four moons later... You wake up excited, because you and your siblings will be apprenticed today! You hear the leader announcing the meeting, and you excitedly bounce over to the Highrock. "Lionkit, from now on you shall be known as Lionpaw. And your mentor shall be Snailface." "Oceankit, from now on you shall be known as Oceanpaw. And I will be happy to be your mentor." "And finally, [Name]kit. From now on, you shall be known as [Name]paw. And your mentor shall be..."
Bluetail (A very experienced tom warrior)
Mintfur (The she-cat medicine cat)
Beardrizzle (The tom Clan deputy, really good in hunting)
Scarface (A tom warrior, has almost no experience)
Butterscar (A warrior she-cat, has some experience in fighting)
The next day... You wake up with your mentor calling your name. After you wake up, they tell you that you have a herb patrol with Tigerfur and Lionpaw. While on the patrol, you hear a strange noise on the bushes. What will you do?
Warn the others
Climb a tree quickly
Run around like crazy
Yell and scream
Ignore the noise and keep walking
Keep staring at the bush
Get closer to the noise
Run back to the camp and pretend nothing happened
IF YOU GOT CLOSER TO THE NOISE OR KEPT STARING AT IT As you looked to the bush, a large dog jumps out of it and bites your neck with a powerful strenght. The next second, you close your eyes. And wake up dead. OTHERWISE Later... You decided not to tell the Clan about the strange noise. And after a day of training, you lay down in your nest and slowly fall asleep...
After many moons... You've reached the full age of 12 moons! Which means you shall become a Warrior/Medicine cat now! But before, choose the path you would like to follow.
Medicine Cat
I died as an apprentice
If you chose Warrior, then it's time for the Warrior quiz, to see if you are worthy enough to become a warrior. If you get 2+ questions correct, then you are worthy enough to become a warrior. If you get 2+ wrong, then you aren't worthy enough to become a warrior. Q1 Dappleshift had 19 pieces of prey. They gave 17 to Brackenleg. How many pieces of prey Dappleshift still has?
I chose Medicine Cat!
I died as an apprentice
The option "2" was correct. Q2 You just found a rogue in your territory. According to the Warrior Code, what shall you do?
Kill the loner
Try to chase the loner away with words. If it doesn't works, try using your claws.
Let them stay there
Give them prey
Welcome them to the Clan
I chose Medicine Cat!
I died as an apprentice
The option "Try to chase the loner away with words. If it doesn't works, try using your claws." was correct. Q3 You just found out there's a traitor in your Clan. What shall you do?
Tell the leader
Make friends with them
Kill them
I chose Medicine Cat!
I died as an apprentice
The option "Tell the leader" was correct. Q4 You just found out your apprentice is breaking the Warrior Code! What shall you do?
Tell the leader
Kill my apprentice
Punish them in a not violent way
I chose Medicine Cat!
I died as an apprentice
The options "Tell the leader" and "Punish them in a not violent way" were correct. So, are you worthy enough to become a warrior?
I chose Medicine Cat!
I died as an apprentice
If you chose Medicime Cat, then it's time for the Medicine Cat quiz, to see if you are worthy enough to become a Medicine Cat. If you get 2+ questions correct, then you are worthy enough to become a Medicine Cat. If you get 2+ wrong, then you aren't worthy enough to become a Medicine Cat. Q1 Applekit is a kit from a rival Clan. However, you decide to keep them in your Clan. It seems like they have an infected wound. How are you gonna treat them?
Poultice of Chervil
Webs & Moss
End the kit's suffering
Give them Deathberries
Give the kit back to their Clan and let them solve the problem
I chose Warrior!
I died as an apprentice
The option "Poultice of Chervil" was correct. Q2 A warrior from your Clan has just broken their leg! You already gave them herbs, but what about their warrior quests?
Give them a break on their duties until they recover
Tell them to keep doing their duties
Kill the warrior
Tell them to do their duties during day, but not during night
Tell them to do their duties during night, but not during day
Give them extra duties to do
I chose Warrior!
I died as an apprentice
The option "Give them a break on their duties until they recover" was correct. Q3 There is an elder with greencough in your Clan. Fortunately, the cough is weak and can be treated easily if correct. How are you going to treat the cough?
Give them Deathberries
Kill the elder
Catmint, Tansy & Borage
I chose Warrior!
I died as an apprentice.
The options "Catmint" and "Catmint, Tansy & Borage were correct." Q4 A kit of your Clan has just swallowed Deathberries! How are you gonna treat them?
Kill the kit
Give them more
Juniper Berries
Make them vomit the berries
I chose Warrior!
I died as an apprentice
The option "Make them vomit the berries" was correct. So, are you worthy enough to become a Medicine Cat?
I chose Warrior!
I died as an apprentice
Later... It's time for you to get your Warrior/Medicine Cat name. Choose a number and it will generate a name for you!
I died as an apprentice
1 [Name]coat! 2 [Name]tail! 3 [Name]storm! 4 [Name]light! 5 [Name]heart! 6 [Name]pelt! 7 [Name]fur!
I died as an apprentice
Your siblings became Lionpelt and Oceanstripe! "Hey, congrats for your warrior/medicine cat name!" Lionpelt meowed How are you going to reply?
"Thank you, brother!"
"Meh.. thanks."
"Thank you so much!"
A few moons later... You feel like it's time for you to find a mate. You think about some cats to ask.
Nightfur (Tom)
Briarlight (Tom)
Snakepelt (Tom)
Violetshine (She-cat)
Brownheart (She-cat)
Jaywing (She-cat)
I died as an apprentice
The cat you asked out accepted and you are now mates with them! Right now, your mate is eating some prey, and your siblings are talking with each other. What are you gonna do?
Go eat prey with my mate
Go talk with my siblings
Go to sleep
Do nothing
Sit down near the sunlight
I died as an apprentice
Many moons later... The Clan leader died of old age at 98 moons and the deputy, Beardrizzle, has just returned from the Moonpool as Bearstar. As he was going to choose a new deputy, he says your name! How will you respond?
Stay in shock
Accept calmly and climb the Highrock
Start having a excitement attack
I died as an apprentice
A few moons later... You/your mate has just had kits! A white tom, a brown she-cat and a black she-cat. Your mate said you can name them. How are you gonma name your kits?
Snowkit, Bearkit and Hollykit
Whitekit, Brownkit and Blackkit
Blizzardkit, Browniekit and Nightkit
Gemkit, Mudkit and Hollykit
Snowkit, Brownkit and Blackkit
Whitekit, Browniekit and Hollykit
Gemkit, Brownkit and Blackkit
I died as an apprentice
Six moons later... Your kits had just been apprenticed! You are called to send out a border patrol. Which cats are you gonna send?
Sockpelt, Snakefur and Hollyfur
Bluetail, Blackpelt and Brackenfur
Butterpelt and Beetlewing
Ignore the leader and jump off the Highrock
I died as an apprentice
After a dense Gathering, you and your Clan come to a decision that you must move away from the Lake and go to a safer place, you suspect the other Clans are planning something against yours. Do you agree with this decision?
I died as an apprentice
Your Clan decides to move away anyways. And on your way, you encounter a fox. What are you gonna do?
Try to attack the fox
Call the fox's attention to move it away
Do nothing
Move the fox in the Clan's direction
I died as an apprentice
The rest of your Clan sees the fox and chases it away. While in your way, you see a small brook leading to a gorge with some rocky holes which could be perfect for certain dens. What will you do?
Ignore the gorge and keep going
Tell the Clan about the place
Tell the Clan you found it but hope the Clan doesn't choose it
I died as an apprentice
The Clan sees the gorge and decides to choose it as the new camp! After a long day of demarking the new territory, you and some other cats start building the new dens. As you finish, you go to the new Warriors Den and start dreaming of...
...Becoming Clan leader
...The gorge flooding
...The noise you heard as an apprentice
...A war between the Clans
...Leading your Clan
...Your death
I died as an apprentice
Many moons later, Bearstar is on his last life already, and you hear a noise. And out of a sudden, jumps a rival cat group! They were strong, but they were in less number. You notice some cats you can fight with. Which one will you choose?
A small battle-scarred tom
An injured tom
A large she-cat
A big tom with a kittypet collar
A small black tom
I died as an apprentice
After a long fight with your target, the cat you were fighting with ran away. You looked around and saw Bearstar dead in the ground with a large tom near his body. What will you do?
Attack the tom
Run away
Hiss at the tom
Lash your tail at the tom
Glare at the tom
I died as an apprentice
After some time, the rival cats fleed. When the cats of your Clan saw Bearstar's body, they immediatelly panicked. What will you do?
"Calm down! I will be your leader now!"
Do nothing
Laugh at Bearstar's dead body
"Bearstar was weak. He deserved that."
"Don't worry, Clan. I'll go to.. wherever place it is go talk with StarClan and we'll be safe!"
I died as an apprentice
Later... After you got your nine lives and found a place like Moonpool, you arrived at the Gorge, and the Clan was mourning Bearstar's death. You now were [Name]star. You looked for your kits and saw them playing fight. Maybe they were practicing for their battle training. You entered the Gorge and the Clan greeted you. How will you respond?
"Hello, Clan"
"Hello! I am back!"
Remain silent
Ignore your Clan
I died as an apprentice
You sat down in the Crocodile Rock, and called out a meeting to select the new deputy. Which cat are you gonna choose?
Bluetail (A honorable tom warrior)
Butterpelt (A strong she-cat warrior)
Deskfur (A weak warrior tom)
Dustclaw (A loyal warrior tom)
I died as an apprentice
Many moons later... It is time for your kits to become Warriors! You're going to choose their suffixes. What will be the white one's suffix?
I died as an apprentice
What will be the brown one's suffix?
I died as an apprentice
What will be the black one's suffix?
I died as an apprentice
Many moons later... You're 68 moons old already. As leader, you still take responsability by your Clan. You look to a brown tom warrior, his name was Frostear. He was talking in a rude way to your kits. What will you do?
Defend my kits
Attack Frostear
Punish Frostear
Talk that way with my kits too
Attack my kits
I died as an apprentice
The newest kits of the Clan, Plumkit and Grapekit, are asking you for a story! They want to hear about The Great War. What will you do?
Tell them about The Great War
Don't tell them about The Great War
Ignore them
Attack them
I died as an apprentice
Story Time! Try to tell the kits the correct version of the story! At that time, ThunderClan was under the leadership of...
I died as an apprentice
I chose not to tell the story
The option "...Firestar!" was correct. Firestar had three grandsons -- who were them?
Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather
Bluestar, Hollyleaf and Silverstream
Graystripe, Ravenpaw and Squirrelflight
Lionblaze, Hollyleaves and Jayfeather
Leafpool, Squirrelflight and Cloudtail
I chose not to tell the story
I died as an apprentice
The option "Lionblaze, Hollyleaf and Jayfeather" was correct. When good cats die, they go to StarClan. But when bad cats die, where do they go?
Dark Forest
The Twoleg Place
The Place Of Non-Stars
I chose not to tell the story
I died as an apprentice
The options "Dark Forest" and "The Place Of The Non-Stars" were correct. Who was Firestar's greatest enemy?
I chose not to tell the story
I died as an apprentice
The option "Tigerstar" was correct. Tigerstar found a way to bring the Dark Forest cats back, and he made a war! However, the Clans had a more powerful strenght with them. What was it?
Longtail's Blindness
I chose not to tell the story
I died as an apprentice
The option "StarClan" was correct. Eventually, Tigerstar was killed by Firestar and the strenght of StarClan. But however, the great hero Firestar also fell. How?
A tree fell down on him
He drowned
Tigerstar revived and killed him
Sandstorm killed him
He got suddenly got greencough
The Dark Forest cats killed him
I chose not to tell the story
I died as an apprentice
The option "A tree fell down on him" was correct. Congratulations! The kits liked your story, and now they are going to the Nursery. What are you gonna do now?
Sit down in the Highrock
Take a nap at the Leader's Den
Eat some prey
Drink some water
Talk to your kits
Speak to some warriors
Talk to the deputy
I died as an apprentice
A few moons later... Your mother, Badgerfur, has moved to the Elders Den. After many time of raising kits, it's time to take a rest.
I died as an apprentice
Later... You are patrolling your territory when out of a sudden, you see Frostear talking to a cat you don't know! He seems familiar, though. It's a cat from the group of the earlier attack! As far as you heard, the cat's name is Charcoal, and he is a small black tom. What are you gonna do?
Attack Frostear
Attack Charcoal
Hiss at them
Let them stay there
Give Charcoal some prey
Ignore them and keep patrolling
Go back to the camp and pretend nothing happened
I died as an apprentice
Later... Frostear returns to the camp and glares at you. You decide to banish him from the Clan, but before, you say something to your Clan. What did you say?
"Earlier, I saw this traitor, Frostear with a rival cat. I know they were planning something. And for our safety, I must banish Frostear from this Clan. If you find him in our territory, you have the total right to attack him."
"I will banish Frostear."
"Frostear is a traitor to this Clan! And I must banish him, for the Clan's safety. I will tell the reason later. Now, leave, Frostear."
"I hate you, Frostear. Go away."
Don't say anything, just banish him.
I died as an apprentice
After Frostear left your Clan's territory, frustrated, you decide to rest. As you lay down in your nest to sleep, you dream of...
...My kits
...A forest fire
...The Dark Forest
I died as an apprentice
You wake up at Moonhigh, and there's a weird smell outside. Will you go check it?
I died as an apprentice
Before you could move, you saw fire all around the Gorge! You immediatelly leave your den and see your Clan in shock. You hear mews coming from the Nursery. And you realize -- there are kits inside the Nursery! -- however, there is fire blocking the entrance. What will you do?
Save the kits
Let them burn to death
I died as an apprentice
Even if you tried to save the kits, it wasn't possible. When you got there, the mews had stopped already and you saw the kits dead on the ground. As you leave the Nursery, the fire got even worse! What will you say to your Clan?
"They're dead."
"The kits died! Now let's go away, or else we'll be next!"
"These awful beasties are finally dead."
"N-no! The kits! They are dead!"
I died as an apprentice
You run away from the Gorge with your Clan, and you all jump on a large pond nearby to heal the fire wounds quickly. However, there are two cats missing. Badgerfur and your deputy! What are you gonna do?
Look for them everywhere
Meow their names until they appear
Don't do anything
Relax in the pond
I died as an apprentice
(Ignore this part if you didn't look for them) You searched for your Clanmates the whole moonhigh, but they weren't found. Now, you and your Clan must choose a place to spend the night. You see some potential places, which one will you choose?
Abandoned fox den
Rocky tunnel
Badger hole
Small cave den
Stay near the pond
I died as an apprentice
The next morning... You stand up to see your Clan drinking some water or chilling. You make a sign with your tail for your Clan to follow you. As you arrive at the Gorge, all the dens were burnt down, the gray stones turned black, the Crocodile Rock was falling down. The Gorge was horrible. You start thinking about moving back to the Lake, and you make a meeting talking about that. But, do you agree with going back to the Lake?
I died as an apprentice
The majority of your Clan agreed, and you're going back to the Lake by Sundown. As you prepare the return, Lionpelt approaches you and askes you if you feel sad about your mother's death. What will you say?
"Yeah, I am. I think everyone feels sad."
"No! I didn't even care for her after all."
"Yeah.. anyways-"
"Don't remind me of that."
I died as an apprentice
Later... You're almost arriving at the Lake. But all out of a sudden, jumps out a small tom out of a bush! You quickly recognize him -- Charcoal! -- he seems worried and furious at the same time. What are you gonna do?
Attack him
Hiss at him
Glare at him
Lash my tail at him
Give him an anger look
Threat to attack him
Don't do anything to him
I died as an apprentice
The small black tom looked at you and said "I'm sorry. I'm no threat to your Clan. I'm sorry to interrupt your journey, but I would like to say that my gang is treating me very badly. They will kill me if they have the chance! So, let's get straight to the point.. may I join your Clan?" What will you do?
Let him join the Clan
Attack him
Ignore him and keep walking
Say "No" and walk away
Let him join the Clan, but as a prisioner
I died as an apprentice
IF YOU LET CHARCOAL JOIN THE CLAN "Thank you so much! Also, no need to worry about me. I'll be on my way soon." Charcoal meowed IF YOU DIDN'T ALLOW HIM TO JOIN THE CLAN "Oh, okay then. Sorry for interrupting you." Charcoal meowed and dashed through the bushes. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As you continue your way back to the Lake, you see two paths to follow in order to continue your journey. Which one will you follow?
A dark trail with a lot of trees. Easy to get lost.
A fallen log. If you fall from it, you will fall in a rushing river.
I died as an apprentice
You and your Clan managed to avoid the danger. But in your way, you find a dog pack! What will you do?
Hide and let my Clan solve the problem
Try to fight the dogs
Run away
Try to defend my Clan
Show the dogs where my Clan is
I died as an apprentice
The dogs manage to reach you, and a strong bite makes you fall down! But however, you're a Clan leader, so you have nine lives. You wake up after some moments, and see one of the worst scenes in your life -- Your brown kit being brutally attacked by one of the dogs! Some of your Clanmates are injured. What will you do?
Protect my daughter
Run away
Help the dogs to attack her
Leave my Clan on it's own
I died as an apprentice
Eventually, the dogs fleed. But however, your brown daughter didn't make it, and died while fighting the dogs. You and your Clan mourn her death. What will you say?
"I'm glad you died. You were such an annoying beast."
"You fought like a Clan warrior, I honor your bravery, daughter."
"I'll miss you so much."
"This Clan will honour your courage and bravery. You will be remembered as a true hero to our Clan."
I died as an apprentice
You arrived at the Lake, and found out that a new Clan called StormClan has just arrived and has taken your place. They took your camp, prey, and territory. What will you do?
Chase StormClan off the Lake
Go to war with StormClan
Try to kill StormClan's cats - They must be just some rogues and kittypets after all.
Do nothing about it
Find a new camp and estabilish a new territory
I died as an apprentice
You decide to visit StormClan, and your eyes almost leap out of your head; it's the rogue group that attacked you when you arrived at the Gorge! What will you do?
Pretend you don't know them
Fight them
Steal their kits
Just hiss at them
I died as an apprentice
They recognize you and start a fight! Their leader is called Storm"star", however, StarClan didn't accept him, and he doesn't has nine lives. But seems very strong -- he has claws that can cut open a dog's throat at once, and teeth that are as sharp as a fox's. You think about an attack move; what will you do?
Scratch him
Bite him
Kick him
Claw him
Mangle him
Just stare at him
I died as an apprentice
He manages to dodge your attack, but them he claws your throat, and it starts bleeding like ever! If you're gonna attack him, you gotta think of something, and fast!
Slice his throat open
Scratch his belly really hard
Mangle his head
I died as an apprentice
Surprisingly, you managed to kill Storm, and the other rogue cats flee! You re-claim your territory.
I died as an apprentice
You are laying on your nest, then suddenly, you feel a hard pain in your throat, and close your eyes. You wake up dead, in your nest. You see your dead body there. And there is a white cat with black eyes that you never saw before. He tells you to follow him. You follow him, and he takes you to...
...Dark Forest
...The Place Of Non-Stars
>>>THE END!<<< Now, it's time to see what ending you unlocked!