Yteen 5 Student's Favorite Characters - Who are you?

Yteen 5 Student's Favorite Characters - Who are you?

Take the quiz to see which of Yteen 5 Student’s favorite characters you are!

Imagem de perfil user: Laura Guarda Coisas

Are you able to do anything special?

I am able to grow plants very well.
I am able to be very stretchy.
I am able to solve mysteries.
I am able to take care of myself very well.

Choose the alternative that applies to you:

I have created a Youtube Channel once.
I have sailed almost all over the world.
I have worked an important job.
I have saved many lives.

What will happen if you travel alone?

If I travel alone, I will be very sad without my friends.
If I travel alone, I will probably die.
If I travel alone, I won’t be able to take care of myself, but I will like it. I love being alone.
If I travel alone, I will do a very good job at planning the trip.

What would go in your first-aid kit bag?

Hello Kitty Band-Aid

Can you protect yourself from strangers? How?

No, I could never. I’m defenseless.
Yes, I punch them really hard.
No, but I can find where they live and send bad people to their houses.
Yes, usually, I think about my movements before striking and fighting someone.

What is your favorite dangerous activity?

Planting cacti.
Eating exotic food.
I hate dangerous situations.
Hard training with my friends

What have you achieved in your life so far?

I have built a beautiful pink house.
I have defeated the strongest person in the world in a fight.
I have put one of the most dangerous man behind bars.
I have healed a fish back to life once.

What do you hope to achieve in the next 5 years?

I hope to continue being friends with my group.
I hope to find what I’ve been looking for all my life.
I hope to catch even more criminals with the help of my very large brain.
I hope to help even more people with my healing abilities.

What is your favorite type of art?

Bonsai art.
Martial Arts.

How famous are you?

I’m friends with a famous person.
I’m very famous. I’m all over the international news.
I’m completely unknown.
I’m a sub-celebrity.

Did you use to have a strange tradition when you were a kid?

I used to cook using strange plants I found outside.
I used to drink sake with my brothers.
I used to do jigsaw puzzles every night.
I used to stalk my crush every day.

Do you have a past habit that you don’t do anymore?

I used to have a journal to keep track of my daily routine.
I used to act like a monkey all the time.
I used to play with kids' toys all day long.
I used to hate everybody that wasn’t my husband.
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