5 perguntas sobre Tag Questions

5 perguntas sobre Tag Questions

5 perguntinhas sobre o conteúdo de Tag Questions, que aprendemos neste ano de 2023.

Imagem de perfil user: Kênia Rodrigues
Kênia Rodrigues



Qual a alternativa correta?

You are a high school student, isn't you?
You are a high school student, are you?
You are a high school student, aren't you?

Qual a alternativa correta?

I am next in the queue, aren't I?
I am next in the queue, am not I?
I am next in the queue, are I?

Qual a alternativa correta?

Let's have breakfast, shall we?
Let's have breakfast, let we?
Let's have breakfast, won't we?

Qual a alternativa correta?

I can’t imagine her doing anything else, can you?
I can’t imagine her doing anything else, can't you?
I can’t imagine her doing anything else, would you?

Qual a alternativa correta?

She isn’t in trouble, isn't she?
She isn’t in trouble, are she?
She isn’t in trouble, is she?