about baseball!!!

about baseball!!!

Quiz about baseball

Imagem de perfil user: MARILIA FLORES MATOS


What is the maximum number of players you can play in a baseball game?

What is the maximum number of players you can play in a baseball game?

There are two teams of 6 players.
There are two teams of 8 players.
There are two teams of 9 players.
How long does a baseball game last?

How long does a baseball game last?

From 20 to 45 minutes
From 40 to 60 minutes
From 80 minutes to several hours
What is the name of the position of the player who throws the balls?

What is the name of the position of the player who throws the balls?

Third baseman
What happens after a player hits the ball?

What happens after a player hits the ball?

After batting and reaching first base, the player remains there until a teammate hits another ball or gets a base by balls. When this happens, the athlete on first base goes to second base, the athlete on second goes to third and so on, with one player pushing the other.
After batting and reaching first base, the player remains there until a teammate hits another ball or gets a base by balls. When this happens, the athlete on first base goes to third base, the athlete on second goes to fourth and so on, with one player pushing the other.
When did the first official baseball game take place?

When did the first official baseball game take place?

took place in 1846
took place in 1840
took place in 1850
What is the name of the position of the player who catches the ball?

What is the name of the position of the player who catches the ball?

Second baseman
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