About the flight

About the flight
Here were gonna test your knowledge about planes. 
How does the plane manage to stay in the air?

How does the plane manage to stay in the air?

The airplane use a magnet to stay on the air.
The airplane use the 4 forces to stay on the air.
How does the plane manage to get up on the air

How does the plane manage to get up on the air

Uses a slingshot mechanism to have the strength to take flight
It uses a gasoline-powered engine plus the functions of its wings to take power to start getting out of the floor
Who invented the plane?

Who invented the plane?

Santos Dumound
Family “Wright"
What fuel does planes use?

What fuel does planes use?

Blue gasoline
Why do our ears get "clogged" during takeoff?

Why do our ears get "clogged" during takeoff?

Because of the repeated pressure change
Because the body activates a self-defense system in response to loud noises made by the plane
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