Acerte a música do Bts pela letra!🎶💜💙
Oi ovelhinhas!🐑✨🤍 Como estão?Volteiii!😎👍🏻 Com mais um quiz, já de Bts💜💙! Espero que gostem,tchau boa sorte!👋🏻 Deus abençoe sempre!🙏🏻
Qual a música?😎 🎶"Disco overload, I'm into that, I'm good to go I'm diamond, you know I glow up Hey, so let's go!"🎶
Permission to dance 🕺💃✨
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Dynamite 🧨✨🧨
Qual a música?😎 🎶"A side step, right-left, to my beat High like the moon, rock with me, baby!"🎶
Run 🏃♂️🏃♀️
Idol 🕺💭
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Qual a música?😎 We don't need to worry 🎶" 'Cause when we fall, we know how to land Don't need to talk the talk, just walk the walk tonight... "🎶
Permission to dance 🕺💃
Dynamite 🧨✨🧨
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Qual a música?😎 🎶"I caught you bae, bae 우린 좀 빠름 We seven mate, mates 잘 봐 we got us Tell me what you wanna Tell me what you wanna, whoa"🎶
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Idol 🕺💭
Run 🏃♂️🏃♀️
Qual é a música?😎 🎶"Oh my my my, oh my my my I've waited all my life 네 전부를 함께하고 싶어"🎶
Permission to dance 🕺💃
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Boy with Luv 💙💗
Última!👍🏻 Qual a música?😎 🎶"Talkin', talkin', talkin' I do what I do 그니까 넌 너나 잘하셔 (damn it, hey) You can't stop me lovin' myself"🎶
Butter 🧈💛🧈
Permission to dance 🕺💃
Idol 🕺💭