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Acerte as letras das músicas!


Imagem de perfil user: Carol!<3


"O louvor, do terror é viver:

"O louvor, do terror é viver:

Ou sofrer"
Ou morrer"
"Pode até se achar:

"Pode até se achar:

Mas não é seu jogo, perto de ti, não vou ficar, você meda nojo, UGH!"
Mas é seu jogo, perto de ti eu vou ficar, vamos ser amigos, YAY!"
I came here to drop some money:

I came here to drop some money:

dropping all my money Drop some money, all this bread so yummy, yeah
Givving all my money, yeah!
Don't cry, I am just a freak

Don't cry, I am just a freak

I am just a freak I am just a freak I am just a freak
i am just a kid i am just a kid i am just a kid
Call me crazy, I don't care

Call me crazy, I don't care

Wrap you up in my blue hair
Did you are afraid?
"Ele pode até não ter olhos:

"Ele pode até não ter olhos:

Mas sabe, onde você se esconde."
Mas ele gosta de te ver sofrer."
Seriously? Look at her hair, ew!
I'm trying hard not to stare, ew!
I'm like "what the, what the?", ew!
Right, right, ew, ew!
Oh, you got to see this, ew!
This girl must be from Venus, ew!
She's looking really silly and I look like a genius, ya!
This isn't right! Ew ew!
No look at it look at it! Ew ew!
No look at it look at it! Ew ew!
Oh my gosh! Ew ew!
Her head is such a mess
O.M.G she thinks she's better than me
She musta lost her mind like seriously lost her mind!
So, I'm gonna tell my mommy and my mommy will tell my daddy
Then my daddy will tell my aunty then we will be like ew ew!
Now she'll be embarrassed,

Seriously? Look at her hair, ew! I'm trying hard not to stare, ew! I'm like "what the, what the?", ew! Right, right, ew, ew! Oh, you got to see this, ew! This girl must be from Venus, ew! She's looking really silly and I look like a genius, ya! This isn't right! Ew ew! No look at it look at it! Ew ew! No look at it look at it! Ew ew! Oh my gosh! Ew ew! Her head is such a mess O.M.G she thinks she's better than me She musta lost her mind like seriously lost her mind! So, I'm gonna tell my mommy and my mommy will tell my daddy Then my daddy will tell my aunty then we will be like ew ew! Now she'll be embarrassed,

Planted by Daisy Bell Whether she loves me or loves me not Sometimes it's hard to tell Yet I am longing to share the lot Of beautiful Daisy Bell Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marraige I can't afford the carriage But you'd look sweet on the seat Of a bicycle built for two We will go tandem as man and wife Daisy, Daisy Peddling our way down the road of life I and my Daisy Bell When the roads and we both dispise P'licemen and lamps as well. There are bright lights in the dazzling eyes Of beautiful Daisy Bell. Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do I'm half crazy all for the love of you It won't be a stylish marraige I can't afford the carriage But you'd look sweet on the seat Of a bicycle built for two
What's embarrassed? You know fell stupid, ya I am really for real she think she all that but ew ew! Who said she could have it? To me she just look ratchet! Ew! But seriously though who likes that? Ew! Right right? Ew ew! Look at the way she dresses She always has a necklace, ew! She's not cool, she's breaking all the rules! Ew! This is just horrible! Ew ew! Look at it, look at it! Ew ew! No look at it, look at it! Ew ew! Oh my gosh! Ew ew! I am not rude but this girl is not cool I see her at my school always looking like a fool But I'm the one who's fresher than and no one here is better than I try to show them that I can be cool and be their friend Then they just laugh and be dying, and on the inside I am crying I am so hot that I'm frying, now sounds like I'm wining, so Mirror mirror mirror mirror sat on the wall, please try and make the coolest kid of them all This girl with the hair better beware cause everywhere she be I'ma be there like... Hello, my name is Zuzie, that's Zuzie with a Z And so I didn't say Susie originality My mom told me that I would be the coolest And if people don't like then they'll just be foolish, ya! Come on, party people Why don't we bust a move You hear that beat bangin hard Let's get into the groove You hear that cranky sound Let's move it all around Let's stomp the ground, it's break it down Look at me while I break it down like... yeah! Come on, baby... yeah! Uh-huh, right, baby! Let's get it! Yeah! That's how you do it, it's done!

shikabane ondo de odorimashou

Shikabane na dana
shikabane no odori
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