Adivinha a música da Taylor Swift pela letra

Adivinha a música da Taylor Swift pela letra

Taylor Swift Edition

Imagem de perfil user: Matilde Barbosa
Matilde Barbosa



'Cause they don't know about the night in the hotel They weren't ridin' in the car when we both fell Didn't read the note on the Polaroid picture They don't know how much I miss you I wish I could fly I'd pick you up and we'd go back in time"

Message in a bottle
The very first night

"But now You're so far away and I'm down Feelin' like a face in the crowd I'm reachin' for you, terrified 'Cause you could be the one that I love I could be the one that you dream of"

Message in a bottle
How you get the girl
I wish you would

"I said, "Leave", but all I really want is you To stand outside my window, throwing pebbles Screaming, "I'm in love with you" Wait there in the pourin' rain, come back for more And don't you leave, 'cause I know All I need is on"

The other side of the door
State of Grace
You're not sorry

"And I never (never) Saw you coming And I'll never (never) Be the same"

State of Grace
We are never ever getting back together
Better man
All you had to do was stay

"Come on, baby, with me We're gonna fly away from here You were my best four years"

Better amn
Come back ... be here

"I've been loving you for quite some time, time, time You think that it's funny when I'm mad, mad, mad But I think that it's best if we both "

Stay Stay Stay
You're not sorry
All you had to do was stay
I knew you were in trouble

"And by the way I hate that stupid old pickup truck You never let me drive You're a redneck heartbreaker Who's really bad at lying So watch me strike a match On all my wasted time"

Bad blood
Picture to burn
Should've said no
...ready for it

"It's a bad sign, bad sign Somethin' happens when everybody finds out See the vultures circling, dark clouds Love's a fragile little flame, it could burn out It could burn out 'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes"

I know places
How you get the girl
King of my heart
No body, no crime

"The drought was the very worst When the flowers that we'd grown together died of thirst It was months and months of back and forth You're still all over me Like a wine-stained dress I can't wear anymore"

Champagne problems
Coney Island
This is me trying

"How evergreen, our group of friends Don't think we'll say that word again And soon they'll have the nerve to deck the halls That we once walked through"

Coney Island
Cowboy like me
Champagne problems

"And I was catching my breath Staring out an open window Catching my death And I couldn't be sure I had a feeling so peculiar"

It's time to go
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