Adivinhe a música da billie pela letra!

Adivinhe a música da billie pela letra!

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Imagem de perfil user: Sofia Costa
Sofia Costa


"But nothin' is better sometimes, once we've both said our goodbyes"

"But nothin' is better sometimes, once we've both said our goodbyes"

when the party's over
your power
"I'll stay in the pool and drown
So I don't have to watch you leave" é de qual música?

"I'll stay in the pool and drown So I don't have to watch you leave" é de qual música?

happier than ever
What was i made for?
Ocean eyes
"The smile that you gave me
Even when you felt like dying" 
dica: é do álbum "wwafawdwg? "

"The smile that you gave me Even when you felt like dying" dica: é do álbum "wwafawdwg? "

i love you
bury a friend
wish you are gay
The 30th
"I hate the way she looks at me
I can't stand the dialogue, she would never be"
 dica: do álbum "happier than ever"

"I hate the way she looks at me I can't stand the dialogue, she would never be" dica: do álbum "happier than ever"

Male fantasy
Everybody dies
"And I hate to do this to you on your birthday
Happy birthday, by the way"
(uma das minhas favoritas!)

"And I hate to do this to you on your birthday Happy birthday, by the way" (uma das minhas favoritas!)

Not my responsibility
bitches broken hearts
Six feet under
party favor
"I thought you were my new best friend (my)
Wish I knew better then
Who knew you were just out to get me? 
My whole world just fell apart" é de qual música?

"I thought you were my new best friend (my) Wish I knew better then Who knew you were just out to get me? My whole world just fell apart" é de qual música?

My boy
My future
Never felt so alone
listen before i go
"silver dollar, golden flame, dirty water, poison rain, perfect murder, take your aim
I don't belong to anyone
But everybody knows my name"

"silver dollar, golden flame, dirty water, poison rain, perfect murder, take your aim I don't belong to anyone But everybody knows my name"

i don't wanna be you anymore
"Love when it comes without a warnin'
'Cause waitin' for it gets so borin'
A lot can change in twenty seconds
A lot can happen in the dark"

"Love when it comes without a warnin' 'Cause waitin' for it gets so borin' A lot can change in twenty seconds A lot can happen in the dark"

bad guy
Billie Bossa nova
Lost cause
everthing i wanted
"Was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help? Was it obvious to everybody else"

"Was I stupid to love you? Was I reckless to help? Was it obvious to everybody else"

No time to die
All the good girls go to hell
when i was older
Come out and play
" I don't want it. and I don't want to want you, but in my dreams I seem to be more honest, and I must admit, you've been in quite a few "

" I don't want it. and I don't want to want you, but in my dreams I seem to be more honest, and I must admit, you've been in quite a few "

Therefore i am
my strange addiction
Halley's comet
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