Adivinhe a música da Olivia Rodrigo por trechos

Adivinhe a música da Olivia Rodrigo por trechos

são dezesseis músicas (GUTS e SOUR) onde você terá que adivinhar apenas lendo e letra... ps: algumas traduzidas, algumas no idioma original

Imagem de perfil user: stan da olivia
stan da olivia


And I Thought my heart was detached
From all the sunlight of our past
But she's so sweet, she's so pretty
Does she mean you forgot about me?

And I Thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But she's so sweet, she's so pretty Does she mean you forgot about me?

Deja vu - SOUR
Lacy - GUTS
Vampire - GUTS
Happier - SOUR
E talvez, de uma forma masoquista
Eu ache isso tudo muito empolgante
Tipo, qual amor vou escolher hoje? 
Você vai me levar até a porta ou me mandar para casa chorando?

E talvez, de uma forma masoquista Eu ache isso tudo muito empolgante Tipo, qual amor vou escolher hoje? Você vai me levar até a porta ou me mandar para casa chorando?

Making the bed - GUTS
Traitor - SOUR
Good 4 u - SOUR
1 step forward, 3 steps back - SOUR
I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends
Because everyone knew all the shit that he'd do
He said I was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth
And when I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin'

I picture all the faces of my disappointed friends Because everyone knew all the shit that he'd do He said I was the only girl, but that just wasn't the truth And when I told him how he hurt me, he'd tell me I was trippin'

Get him back! - GUTS
Teenage Dream - GUTS
Logical - GUTS
Vampire - GUTS
I'd say you broke my heart
But you broke much more than that
Now I don't want your sympathy
I just want myself back

I'd say you broke my heart But you broke much more than that Now I don't want your sympathy I just want myself back

Favorite Crime - SOUR
All-american bitch - GUTS
Hope u ok - SOUR
Enough for you - SOUR
And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone
And I'm sensin' some undertone
And I'm right here with all my friends
But you're sendin' me your new address
And I know we're done, I know we're through

And you're callin' my phone, you're all alone And I'm sensin' some undertone And I'm right here with all my friends But you're sendin' me your new address And I know we're done, I know we're through

Happier - SOUR
Bad idea right? - GUTS
Brutal - SOUR
Get Him Back! - GUTS
Você deve ser inseguro, você deve ser tão infeliz
E eu sei no meu coração, pessoas machucadas, machucam pessoas
E nós dois sangramos, mas, cara, esses cortes nunca foram iguais

Você deve ser inseguro, você deve ser tão infeliz E eu sei no meu coração, pessoas machucadas, machucam pessoas E nós dois sangramos, mas, cara, esses cortes nunca foram iguais

Logical - GUTS
The Grudge - GUTS
All-american bitch - GUTS
Favorite crime - SOUR
I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom
But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it

I've lost my mind, I've spent the night crying on the floor of my bathroom But you're so unaffected, I really don't get it

Good 4 u - SOUR
Jealousy, Jealousy - SOUR
Ballad of a homescholed girl - GUTS
Pretty isn't pretty - GUTS
Só roupas vintages legais e fotos de viagem
Eu não aguento mais, Deus, eu pareço louca
A vitória deles não é minha derrota
Eu sei, é verdade
Mas não consigo evitar de me envolver em tudo isso

Só roupas vintages legais e fotos de viagem Eu não aguento mais, Deus, eu pareço louca A vitória deles não é minha derrota Eu sei, é verdade Mas não consigo evitar de me envolver em tudo isso

Favorite crime - SOUR
Jealousy, Jealousy - SOUR
Love is embarrassing - GUTS
Good 4 u - SOUR
And when are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad? 
Will I spend all the rest of my life wishin' I could go back?

And when are all my excuses of learning my lessons gonna start to feel sad? Will I spend all the rest of my life wishin' I could go back?

Happier - SOUR
Deja vu - SOUR
The grudge - GUTS
Teenage Dream - GUTS
Oh, eu tento, eu tento, eu tento
Mas isso toma conta da minha vida
Eu vejo você em todos os lugares
A tortura mais doce que alguém poderia suportar

Oh, eu tento, eu tento, eu tento Mas isso toma conta da minha vida Eu vejo você em todos os lugares A tortura mais doce que alguém poderia suportar

Jealousy, jealousy - SOUR
Vampire - GUTS
Favorite crime - SOUR
Lacy - GUTS
Cause I love people I don't like
And I hate every song I write
And I'm not cool and I'm not smart

Cause I love people I don't like And I hate every song I write And I'm not cool and I'm not smart

Hope ur ok - SOUR
Brutal - GUTS
Teenage Dream - GUTS
Brutal - SOUR
I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life
And none of it matters and none of it ends
You just feel like shit over and over again
Not, It'll never change

I chased some dumb ideal my whole fucking life And none of it matters and none of it ends You just feel like shit over and over again Not, It'll never change

Pretty isn't pretty - GUTS
Traitor - SOUR
Making the bed - GUTS
Logical - GUTS
É agridoce pensar nos danos que causamos
Porque eu estava na pior, mas estava lá com você

É agridoce pensar nos danos que causamos Porque eu estava na pior, mas estava lá com você

Favorite crime - SOUR
Vampire - GUTS
Happier - SOUR
Bad idea right? - GUTS
Master manipulator
God, you're so good at what you do
Come for me like a savior
And I'd put myself through hell for you

Master manipulator God, you're so good at what you do Come for me like a savior And I'd put myself through hell for you

Traitor - SOUR
Logical - GUTS
Ballad of a homeschooled girl - SOUR
Ballad of a homeschooled girl - GUTS
Does she know how proud I am she was created
With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred?

Does she know how proud I am she was created With the courage to unlearn all of their hatred?

Hope ur ok - SOUR
Favorite crime - SOUR
Enough for you - SOUR
Love is embarrassing - GUTS
Você chama ela e quase diz meu nome? 
Porque vamos ser honestos, nós meio que soamos iguais
Outra Atriz
Odeio pensar que sou apenas o seu tipo

Você chama ela e quase diz meu nome? Porque vamos ser honestos, nós meio que soamos iguais Outra Atriz Odeio pensar que sou apenas o seu tipo

Deja vu - SOUR
Favorite Crime - SOUR
Lacy - GUTS
Pretty isn't pretty - GUTS
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