adivinhe a musica por uma parte (inglês)

adivinhe a musica por uma parte (inglês)

adivinhe essas musicas somente por uma parte, quantas será que você conhece?

Imagem de perfil user: Alice laraf
Alice laraf



"seek them out now one by one, dropping bodies like a nun, two twin glocks name bonnie and clyde, slide through roofs like i'm tom cruise"

regina spektor - two birds
siouxxie - masquerade
ke$ha - backstabber
glass animals - heat waves

"touch me, midas make me part of your desing, none to guide us i fell fear for the very last time"

ugg'a - can't get you out of my head
kesha - blow
the living tombstone - my ordinary life
sex whales x fraxo - dead to me

"oh i, Wish I could synthesize A picture perfect guy Oh I, oh I, six feet tall and super strong, we'd always get along, alright, alright"

big and chunky -
black pink - pretty savage
superfruit - GUY.exe
marshmello x bastille - happier

""cause i don't care if i lose my mind, i'm already cursed.."

glass animals - heat waves
sia - unstoppable
alexander rybak - fairytale
alec benjamin - let me down slowly

"could you find a way to let me down slowly, a little sympathy i hope you can show me"

aaron smith - dancin
alec benjamin - let me down slowly
alan walker -spectre
AJR - world's smallest violin

"come, lay me down, 'cause you know this, 'cause you know this sound"

billie eilish - lovely
elley duhé - middle of the night
siko - #brooklynbloodpop!
alan walker, sabrina carpenter x farruko - on my way
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