Advertising, will you know everything about?

Advertising, will you know everything about?

a small quiz showing the right and wrong things about advertising.

Imagem de perfil user: VALDOMIRO


What is an advertisement?

What is an advertisement?

Is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, products or services, carried out by identified sponsor, with th aim of: informing, persuading, remembering.
Advertising is linked to the practice of advertising, spreading ideas and information about everything.
It's just an image that speaks to buy the product.
What's features and advetisement?

What's features and advetisement?

an announcement, is what happens on TV to persuade the consumer. like a hypnosis.
Is famous for making muggles buy everything.
Advertising is a specific systematic way of persuading to influence with ideological, political fins such as emotions, attitudes, opinions or actions of the target audience.
What's an advertisement awakens in the consumer?

What's an advertisement awakens in the consumer?

willingness to buy for nothing, for the consumer to spend money for now.
It can perform in addition to informing and explaining the consumer about the product.
Awakens the consumer hidden inside it.
How's advertising done?

How's advertising done?

advertising is done when you copy another company's advertising and make it yours.
To know how to advertise you need to take a few steps: Understand the most relevant channels for your audience; Highlight your product's differentials; Instigate action; Strengthen the brand; Measure the return.
they go somewhere, record and then someone edit it to look good and send it to tv. then it begins to pass between the novels. like magic.
We can conceptualize the term "publicity" as

We can conceptualize the term "publicity" as

Information published in an editorial manner with the purpose of disseminating information about people, companies, products, entities etc.. , Without advertiser pays for the space or time used for advertising.
Political, religious or ideological advertising with the objective of disseminate ideas of this nature.
Public utility advertising that promotes actions and actions community useful,
Commercial advertisement that aims to disseminate and promote the consumption of good, goods and services.
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