Anime X Manga the quiz omg

Anime X Manga the quiz omg

The quiz from my test

Imagem de perfil user: nicodckk
What is anime?

What is anime?

A animation from Japan
It's a color
Only the style of the drawing
The games from Japan

What is manga?

The food
The games from Japan
A character
The HQ from Japan
What is the term "otaku"?

What is the term "otaku"?

A movie
The first anime created
A fan from animes, but the term it's very used
A fan from animes, but the term it's not very used

What is FanArt?

It's a food 😼
Anime drawig made by a fan
A fan of animes
The style of drawings
What is lineart?

What is lineart?

The animation
The colors of the drawing
The drawing made by a fan
The drawing outline
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