Assuntos de ingles abrasileirados

Assuntos de ingles abrasileirados

Past continuous, Imperative e Modal verbs

Imagem de perfil user: Cauã Alves
Cauã Alves



How do you use Past continuous?

used in the present preterite of the future perfect gerund of participial participle (sorry)
used to describe actions that were happening at a certain period in the past.
Mostly used to describe something that is happening right now
I have no idea :(

Generally "was" and "were" are used in the Past Continuous, in these sentences below, as you can see, they are missing, put them and choose the correct alternative You _____ saying something to her last week. It _____ raining last night. I _____ traveling alone yesterday.


Which of the following sentences is incorrect?

We were working alone?
You were telling me the truth.
She was walking alone.
I wasn’t drinking tea last night.

Now speaking of the imperative mode. In English, how is the imperative used?

It is used by the speaker to give a suggestion, an order, an advice, or an instruction for a certain action to happen.
Same thing as Portuguese, duuhhh
Obviously not to order or to ask for something, but to beg, obviously.
serves only to boss someone around, and that's it

If you got the previous one right, you'll already have a hint in this question, but if not, that's your problem. Anyway, which of these sentences below is an invitation?

Have a piece of cake.
Be careful!
Listen to them.
Let’s go now.

In the sentence "you eat it all!" it is written in a way that can be understood in two ways, but one of them has more face in this sentence, which one is it?


And now for the last subject, modal verbs. Modal verbs also known as auxiliary verbs, help to pass something synonymous to the previous verb, or to change the meaning of the sentence or verb, in which it was used. But how can they be used?

The verb can express two meanings: to be or to be.
They usually express ability, possibility, obligation, permission, assumption, request, will, or desire. They are only used in the presence of another verb
These are verbs that are accompanied by prepositions or adverbs.

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Leo agro boy
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