Atividade de inglês pontuada sobre o covid-19 em inglês.

Atividade de inglês pontuada sobre o covid-19 em inglês.

Feito por Luma Nunes e Marina Souza, 9 ano.

Imagem de perfil user: Luma Nunes

Luma Nunes


Do you know where the covid-19 started?


Do you how to prevent it?

Yes, I do.
No, I don't.

What are the methods about covid-19?

Do not use surgical mask, but use alcohol gel.
Go out to supermarkets and mall with a lot of peoples, use the surgical mask and alcohol gel and wash a lot the hands.
The use of surgical mask, and alcohol gel, do not share objects, wash hands frequently.
Don't use anything because it is a little grip.

Which countries does the covid-19 already spread?

Italy, Brazil, China and United Kingdom
Filandia, India and Mexico
Dubai, China and Japan
Chinha, Brazil and French

Can a person who has had coronavirus and recovered still transmit the virus?

No, the people can't.
It has not yet been discovered whether or not the person can transmit the virus.
Yes, the people can.

Who is most vulnerable to COVID-19?

People with pre-existing medical conditions and teenagers
Small children and teenagers.
Elderly people and people with pre-existing medical conditions.

You know the Bahia woman who sequenced the Covid-19 genome ?

Yes, she did med school, and sequenced the genome with her friend Marcos.
Yes, she is Michelle and she did med school years ago.
Yes, i do, she´s from rio de janeiro and she did math school.
Yes, her name is jaqueline and she´s been studying the zika and denge genome.

Is COVID-19 transmitted over the air?

No, transmission occurs from one sick person to another or through close contact.
Yes, covid-19 can stay in the air, and when the person does not protect himself.

Do you know how social isolation works?

Yes, people stay at home and be safe.
Yes, people go out all day and go shopping.
Yes, people go to parties on weekends.
Yes, people can go to parties but with masks.

What are the symptoms of covid-19?

The most common symptoms are: fever dry ,cough ,tiredness, breathing difficulty or shortness of breath.
Itchy throat, headache.

Is there already a vaccine against covid-19?

Yes, there is.
Yes, because of the vaccine, the quarantine is over.
No, there isn't.

Which of these Brazilian celebrities has had covid-19?

Preta Gil, Gabriela Pugliesi and Tom Hank.
Roberto Carlos, Roberto Gil, Silvio Santos and Didi.
Felipe Neto, Faustão and Lucas Neto.
Ivete Sangalo, Daniela Merculy and Elba Ramalho.

Currently, how long have Bahians been quarantined?

1 year.
2 months.
6 months.
Will do 4 months.

When did covid-19 appear?


What should a person with symptoms do?

Go out to mall and supermarkets.
Nothing, just stay in quarntine.
Look for the health service closest to your home, such as an Emergency Room, for initial analysis. If the chart is compatible with the case definition, that health service should follow the flow established by the State Department of Health.

Can animals contract or transmit the new coronavirus?

Dogs and cats can contract a coronavirus specific to their species.
No, they can't.
Some animals can contract covid-19 if its owner catches it.
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