Understanding Covid-19.

Understanding Covid-19.

You know about covid-19?

Imagem de perfil user: Luis Prado
Luis Prado

1)where dos It come from New coronavirus?


2)How to Prevent covid-19.

Wash hands, Wear a Mask, Being outdoors with lota of people.
Wear a Mask, Wash hands, Keep you distancie.
Wash hands, Keep tou distance, Wear a Mask only até home.

3)You use alcohal in gel whenever?

When l touch objects ir people.
l never remember using.
l only Wash my hands with water.

4) What are the symptoms of Covid-19.

Dry caugh , Fever, Runny nose, Sore throat, Difficulty breathing,Chegar pain.
Fever, Leg pain, Chegar pain, and sore throat.
Bellyache, Difficulty breathing, Chest pain, Fever.

5)lf l haver the symptoms of covid-19, What do l do?

Stay home alone for 7 data and follw the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
Stay home alone for 28 data and follw the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
Stay home alone for 14 data and follw the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.

6)Why do we need to be quarantined?

To decrease the cases of coronavirus.
To increase the cases of coronavirus.

7) What month did the coronavirus appear?

December 2019
January 2020

8)l s there a safe and confirmed cure for coronavirus?

Yes, many haver been currd with this "Vacine" even in Brazil.
Yes, It exists, they are using It in China and soon It Will arrive in Brazil.
Not yet , but the Labs até looking to find out more about It and thus try a cure against coronavirus.
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