Attitudes at home and at school to save water and energy

Attitudes at home and at school to save water and energy

Which alternative is correct? (Wash the dishes)

Leave the faucet on at all times while we wash
Leave the faucet off while we sponge all the dishes
Turn off the faucet only when washing the pans

Which alternative is correct? (Bath)

Leave the shower on at all times
Leaving the shower off just while we soap up
Leave the shower off while we soap and wash our hair

Which alternative is correct? (Clothing)

Use the washing water for other things like washing the yard, stairs...etc
Washing one piece at a time is always changing the water
Throw out all the washing water

Which alternative is correct? (Yard)

Use the hose and bucket
Use bucket water and preferably reuse water
Use the hose to wash the yard

Which alternative is correct? (Time to sleep)

Leave all the lights on
Leave the lights off to sleep
Leave only the bedroom light on

Which alternative is correct? (Electronics)

Leave them all turned on because they don't use as much energy
Do not leave it on for a long time (except the refrigerator)
Leave only the fridge and TV on 24 hours a day

Which alternative is correct? (Cell)

Move it charging until it gives 100%
Let it charge if you move it and when it is fully charged unplug the power supply.
Leave it charging all day and always move it

Which alternative is correct? (Bath)

1 hour bath is the best option
Take a shower as soon as possible
Taking a 30-minute shower is ideal.

Which alternative is correct? (Light)

Use only one and leave the others off
Leave them all on while using just one
leave them on even when not using

Why is it so important to save water and electricity?

because we will be without cell phone and internet
because we will not take a shower
because practically everything is powered by energy, and water is essential for our survival
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