Be a good traveler!

Be a good traveler!

Do you know how to behave in these countries?

Imagem de perfil user: freak tha
freak tha


If you travel to India,

If you travel to India,

you shouldn't point with your index finger.
you shouldn't eat meat.
you shouldn't take a bath.
If you travel to Australia,

If you travel to Australia,

you should never tip people.
you shouldn't talk to the kangaroos.
you shouldn't wear red on the beach.
If you eat soup in China,

If you eat soup in China,

you should burp when you finish.
you shouldn't buy socks.
you should make slurping sounds.
If you give a gift to someone in Japan,

If you give a gift to someone in Japan,

you should never give four items.
you should do it only on the weekends.
you should give a Pokemon.
If you have dinner at someone's place in Poland.

If you have dinner at someone's place in Poland.

you shouldn't bring a cake.
you should arrive two hours in advance.
you shouldn't bring yellow flowers.
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