bilingual week: santos drumont

bilingual week: santos drumont

participants:Geovanna Von., Anderson Daniel,Luiz Gustavo, Ana Luiza, Pedro Augusto

Imagem de perfil user: Ana Luiza
Ana Luiza

What is the full name?

Santos Drumont Alberto
Alberto Santos Dumont

the father of santos Dumont worked as:

Actor and pharmacist
French engineer and coffee planter

saints was the:

middle between your brothers
youngest between your brothers

what santos dumont did for humanity?

He was the inventor of the first aerial machine, the airplane
He was the one who invented the cell phone

Where the grandfather of santos dumont lived?

He went to live in Diamantina
he went to live in Ouro Preto

santos he learned to read with:

his sister Virginia
his your father Henrique

a book that santos wrote was:

"O que Vi e o que Nós Veremos"
"O pequeno principe"

how and in what year Santos died?

Died in 1950 because the plane crashed in the tests
Died in 1932 from committing suicide after bipolar disorder
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