Buenos Aires Quiz

Buenos Aires Quiz

Quiz About Buenos Aires

Imagem de perfil user: Beatriz Medeiros
Beatriz Medeiros


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In a scalle from 1 to 9 (highers are the most dangerous) Buenos Aires air would be considered 2-6
In a scalle from 1 to 6 (highers are the most dangerous) Buenos Aires air would be considered 2-3.​
What healths consequenses can air pollution cause?

What healths consequenses can air pollution cause?

câncer, rhinitis, pneumonia, flu.
What's the name of buenos aires river?

What's the name of buenos aires river?

Riachuelo river
Aires river
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Click in the right answer

This river is located in a large city in the North of the capital of Argentina.
This river is located in a small city in the West of the capital of Argentina.
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