SmartEvent Servers that are expected to receive logs from gateways managed by multiple domains should have ____________________
A global object associated with it a and SIC relationship established with the Multi-Domain Management Server
Global object associated whit it a and SIC relationship established with the MultiDomain Log Server
A domain object associated whit it a and SIC relationship established with the each
Domain Management Server
A host object associated with it and a SIC relationship established with each Domain
Log Server
What command is used to stop a specific domain server?
mdsstop_customer <Domain IP/name>
stop_domain <Domain IP/name>
mdsstop <Domain IP/name>
mdsstop <name/Domain IP>
Is it possible to have more than one Global Policy per Multi-Domain Server?
No, you can only configure one Global Policy per Multi-Domain Server. If this does
not comply with your needs, you must install another Mutli-Domain Server.
Yes, you could configure as many Global Policies as needed, and you can assign
multiple Global Policies to a Domain Management Server at any time
No, you can only configure one Global per Multi-Domain Server and as far as you
have configured this Global Policy, it is mandatory that evey Domain Management
Server is associate this Policy
Yes, you could configure as many Global Policies as needed, however, you can only
assign one Global Policy to a Domain Management Server
All Multi-Domain Server must contain at least one interface with a routable IP address and be able to query a DNS Server to resolve the IP address of other host machine names. What type of address or addresses can you use?
You can use IPV4 and/or IPV6 address. One of the address (IPV4or IPV6) must
always e defined
You can use IPV4 and IPV6 address. Both addresses must always be defined.
You can use IPV4 and/or IPV6 address. IPV4 address must always be defined.
You can use only IPV4 address and it must always be defined
Which of the following is not a predefined permission profile?
Global Manager
Domain Manager
Multi-Domain Superuser
Global Superuser
The Global Domain is a collection of rules, objects and settings shared with all Domains or with specific Domains. How is the Global Domain created?
It is created automatically when you install Multi-Domain Management
It is created manually after the installation of Multi-Domain Management using the
mdsconfig utility
It is created automatically when you create first domain in Multi-Domain Management
It is created manually after the installation of the Multi-Domain Management in
What is the command to view the SIC status of the Domain Management Servers to their corresponding Virtual Systems?
vsxconfig ->show sic status
cp_conf show sic to vsx
vsx stat -v
mdsstat -vsx
Name the complete list of MDSM system processes and daemons.
Which command needs to be executed for opening the MDSM Server configuration?
What is the purpose of a Multi-Domain Log Server?
A Multi-Domain Log Server is a Log server which has the capability to convert
to Check Point logs into the open LOGSEC format
To comply with SOX, a Multi-Domain Log Server is a Log Server which servers as a
Log Server for multiple Multi-Domain Servers
A Multi-Domain Log Server functions as the destination Log Server for each
particular Virtual System in a VSX environment
A Multi-Domain Log Server function as a container for Domain Log Servers
Which type of synchronization is NOT supported?
Periodic Synchronization
Initial synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
Manual Synchronization
Which command is used to view status information about the MDSM Server and specific domain servers running on it?
Domain Servers Availability is a _____________________
Redundancy and load sharing solution
Redundancy solution only
Load sharing solution only
Redundancy or load sharing solution
Which of these is a predefined profile in the Multi-Domain Management?
Multi-Domain Superuser
Multi-Domain Log Manager
Global Superuser
Multi-Domain Manager
When VSX is managed with as MDSM, VSX gateways are managed by a Domain Management Server commonly referred to as the ___________________________
Main Domain Management Server
Secondary Security Management Server
Primary Domain Management Server
VSX Management Server
Which servers generate Audit Logs?
Only Domain Management Servers
Domain Management Servers, Multi-Domain Management Servers and MultiDomains Logs Servers
The administrator can configure this settings
Domain Management Servers and Multi-Domain Management Servers
For a Security Gateway to log a Domain Log Server, it must __________________________
Be configured to forward logs to the Domain Log Server
Be in the same geographic location as the Domain Log Server
Be unable to contact the SmartEvent Server
Be unable to contact the Domain Management Server
VSX (Virtual System Extension) technology is based on the following technology?
container based
content based
hypervisor based
context based
Primary Multi-Domain Server can host:
Primary or Secondary Domain Management Servers or Domain Log Servers
Primary Domain Management Servers only
Only primary or secondary Domain Management Servers, no Domain Log Servers
No Domain Servers, only MDSM database, administrators and permissions, and
audit logs
What kind of database is on the MDSM server?
Administrators with the Global Manager profile can perform which the following functions?
Manage global rules and assignments
Manage all domain management servers in all domain
Manager the Multi-Domain server
Manage all users for the Multi-Domain Server
Which of the following is one of the three main components of the Check Point MDSM environment?
Domain Log Server
Domain Name Server
Domain Web Server
Domain Smartcenter Server
Which of the following statements is about the Global Policy Management is correct/true?
The Global System Domain is manually created when a MDSM Server is installed
The Global Domain is automatically created when a MDLS Server is installed
The Global Domain is automatically created when a MDSM Server is installed
The Global Domain is automatically deleted when a MDLS Server is installed
What is the default settings for Domain Log Servers in an MDSM environment?
Each setting must be configured by logging manually
Each Domain keeps its Domain Log Servers on one or more Multi-Domain Log
Each Domain has one Domain Log Server on a Multi-Domain Server
Each Domain Security Gateway works as the Log Server for its own logs
How can a Domain Log Server be deployed?
Multiple Domains can share one Domain Log Server
Each Domain can have its own Domain Log Server
It is mandatory to have a Domain Log Server in every MDS Server installation
Each Domain can have multiple independent Domain Log Server, each one per
Software Blade
In an MDSM environment, a Domain Log Server can be hosted on:
A Domain Log Server can be hosted only an a Multi-Domain Server that hosts the
Primary Domain Management Server for that Domain
Only on a Multi-Domain Log Server
A Domain Log Server is a part of Domain Management Server and it cannot be
hosted separately
Primary/Secondary Multi-Domain Server or Multi-Domain Log Server
Which Servers can be housed in a Secondary MDS?
Only Secondary Domain Management Servers and Domain Log Servers
Primary or Secondary Domain Management Servers and Domain Log Servers
Secondary MDS replicate whatever servers are in a primary MDS
Only Secondary Domain Management Servers
The Global Domain contains a collection of:
Domain rules, Global objects, Domain configuration settings
Global rules, Global objects, Global configuration settings
Global rules, Domain objects, Global configuration settings
Domain rules, Domain objects, Domain configuration settings
Which component of MDSM solution is responsible for housing Domain Servers, Security Policies, system data and the Multi-Domain Management system software?
Multi-Domain Server
Domain Log Server
Domain Server
All the above
You need to debug a specific daemon on the Alpha-Domain-Server inside MultiDomain Server.What command will you use to achieve it?
Use usual debug commands with -ds switch to specify Alpha-Domain-Server. For
example: fw debug fwd on -ds fwd -d Alpha-Domain-Server
Change context to domain server: mdsenv Alpha-Domain-Server. Then start
debugging asa usual
Use usual debug commands (for example: fw debug fwd on
TDERROR_ALL_ALL=5). Then use grep to search debug file for Alpha-DomainServer entries
Use mdsdebug with -d switch to specify Alpha-Domain-Server. For example:
mdsdebug fwd -d Alpha-Domain-Server
Global Policies are assigned in the following manner:
A Global Policy is installed on security gateway taken over by the global domain.
Once the takeover is done, the original domain cannot control the security gateway
Administrators can assign a Global Policy to specific domain and to specific policies
within domains
A Global Policy is automatically merged with all the policies in all domains. These
are disable by default and administrators of each domain have the option to enable
required rules.
There is only one Global Policy which is automatically assigned to all the domains
and all policies within then. There is no option to remove this assignment
How many virtual systems can be hosted on a single VSX Gateway machine?
Which of the statements is true regarding Global Access Control Policy?
The Global Access Control Policy contains global rules that control access to
network resources. This is includes Global Properties, Mobile Access, NAT and IPSEC
VPN rules.
The Global Access Control Policy contains a collections of individual local rules that
control access to network resource globally. This is includes Identity Awareness, Threat
Emulation, Desktop Security, and IPSEC VPN rules
The Global Access Control Policy contains global rules that control access to
network resources. This is includes Firewall, Application Control, URL Filtering and
The Global Access Control Policy contains collections of local rules that control
access to network resources globally. This includes Hide NAT, Port Address
Translation, Mobile Access, and Identity Awareness rules
Which of the following is not part of the Multi-Domain Server database (mdsdb)?
Domain Server
The Global Domain
Security Gateways and their installed applications
Administrators and Permissions
Which is a difference between Periodic and Manual Synchronization in a MDSM HA environment?
Clients are disconnected during synchronization
Unplublished sessions are not synchronized
They don't occur automatically when a new Secondary DMS is created
Changes are synchronized from the Active Domain Server to the Standby Domain
Management Server
Which of the following is the correct Management HA feature of the MDSM solution?
Multi-Domain Server HA is Active/Active whereas in Domain Management Servers, one domain servers is active and the others are standby
Management HA is completely Active/Active at the Multi-Domain Server and
Domain Server leve
HA is only available at the Domain Server level. For Multi-Domain Servers,
backup file can be used
Multi-Domain Server HA is Active/Standby solution where there is one active MultiDomain Server that hosts all active Domain Server
When considering logs from a Security Gateway ____________________________
Each gateway automatically sends logs to the Primary Domain Management Server
The Global Policy overrides the gateway log server configuration
Each gateway must be configured to send logs to a log server
Each gateway automatically sends logs to any log servers in the domain
You are using the Single Site Deployment of MDSM solution. What is the recommended way to protect such a type of deployment from failures?
Use Management HA for each domain in the MDSM environment
Use Management HA for each domain server in MDSM environment
Use the secondary Multi-Domain Server to synchronize system databases and
Use a backup solution to save system databases and settings
What are two different deployment types for MDSM?
SmartEvent Deployment and SmartReporter Deployment in conjunction with
Standalone Deployment and Distributed Deployment
Standalone Deployment and High-Availability Deployment for Failover clustering
the MDS Server
Single-Site- Deployment and Multi-Site Deployment
Which type of server is a container that can host several individual virtual Log Servers inside of it?
Multi-Domain Server
Domain Server
Domain Log Server
Multi-Domain Log Server
Fill in the blank. Multi-Domain Management Server High Availability is an _____________________________ redundancy solution and Domain Management Server High Availability is an ___________________ redundancy solution.
Active/Standby and Active/Standby
Active/Active and Active/Active
Active/Active and Active/Standby
Active/Standby and Active/Active
Where are audit logs saved in a distributed environment with the multiple MDSM and MDLS
To all servers in the environment
In the respective container
To the MDLS
To the Primary MDSM
When a new Domain Log Server is configured and deployed, ______________________________
The Primary MDSM Server will automatically connect to the new server
It must be manually synchronized to a Domain Log Server
The Security Gateway will automatically start to send logs to it
The Security Gateway must be configured to send its logs to the server
The mdsstop -m commands is used to stop ________________
the Global Domain Management Server
Only the Multi-Domain Security Management
everything except the Multi-Domain Security Management
everything on the Multi-Domain Security Management
The difference between Multi-Domain Log Server and Domain Log Server is:
There is not difference, they are both the same
A Multi-Domain Log Server stores logs from all domains into a single repository and
it replaces the Domain Logs Server which us used for storing logs from a single domain
Domain Log Server is one that received logs from devices in a domain. A MultiDomain Log Server is one that receives logs only from Multi-Domain Servers (Primary
and Secondary)
A Domain Log Servers received logs from the devices in the single domain. The
Multi-Domain Log Server is a container that hosts one or more such Domain Log
The Check Point MDSM environment consists of which components?
The Multi-Domain GUI, the VSX Gateway and the CMAs
The Multi-Domain Server, the global CA, the MDG license
The Multi-Domain Server, Domain Servers, and Domain Log Servers
The Multi-Domain Server, the VSX Gateways, and the Virtual Systems
Multi-Domain Log Servers manage and house __________________________
Logs from all of the Gateways in a domain
Domain Logs Servers for each domain
SmartEvent Servers for each domain
Domain Management Servers and Domain Log Servers
What is a Domain Server?
It is a log server that holds log files generated by the Global security gateways for a Global Domain
It is a log server that holds log files generated by security gateways for a specific Domain
It is a log server that holds log files generated by security gateways for all the Domain
It is a log server that holds log files generated by the Windows and Linux Servers with installed SandBlast Agents for checking system-related events
Authentication requests sent from cpm to fwm of the MDSM and the Domain are established on which port?
You are migrating from a single server to MDSM solution. You successfully exported configuration. You also created a Domain Management Server. Now you need to import configuration to the newly created Domain Server. What command is used to import configuration?
migrate import
Which process requires only one instance to handle all transactions with all Domain Servers?
Which component of MDSM solution receives status notifications and real-time monitoring data from its Security Gateways and, if requested, also receives logs from gateways?
Domain Log Server
Domain Server
Multi-Domain Log Server
Multi-Domain Server
Which of the following is not contained in the Global Domain?
Global Configuration Settings
Global Policy Push
Global Rules
Global Objects
Global Rules and global objects ___________________________
can be modified in the both the Global Access and Threat Prevention policies
cannot be modified once configured
can only be modified in the Global Domain
can be modified in the Domain Server level of SmartConsole
You want to change a leading interface on a Multi-Domain Server after installation. What command will you use?
What is considered as a 'Domain' in the Check Point Multi-Domain Security Management solution?
A domain is a virtual object that defines a network or a collection of networks related to an entity, such as a company, branch location, or business unit
A domain is an identification string that defines a realm of administrative autonomy, authority or control within the Internet
The part of a URL that comes in between the protocol and the path of the resource
A domain is a distinct subset of the Internet with addresses sharing a common suffix or under the control of a particular organization or individual
Which of the following is not one of the three types of synchronization which occur during normal operations?
Initial Synchronization
Manual Synchronization
Periodic Synchronization
Automatic Synchronization
Which of the following is one of the numerous benefits of Check Point MDSM?
HA configuration with different operating systems (Gaia&IPSO) within its
One IPSEC VPN configuration for all of the Management Domains based on a
placeholder object representing the individual gateway object
Separate Certificate Authority for each management domain
One global CA for all DMS
What is one of the benefits of Multi-Domain Security Management?
Centralized complaince monitoring
Centralized security logging
Centralized certificate authority
Centralized license management
Your customer asks you to create Global NAT rules for all his domain. Where can you do this?
Global Objects - Use NAT settings for required objects
Global Domain - Create NAT Rule Base
Global Access Control Policy - Create NAT Rule Base
You cannot define global NAT settings
The default log server for the Gateways in a Domain is the __________________
Primary Domain Log Server
SmartEvent Server
Primary Domain Management Server
Secondary Domain Management Server
What is the port used by the SmartConsole to connect to the CPM process of the Security Management Server?
Which of the following commands will instruct the system to stop the MDSM Server and allow the domain servers to continue to run as normal?
mdsstop -m
mdsstop_customer <domain server IP>
mdsstop <MDSM server IP>
When an Active Domain Management Server fails in a MSDM HA environment:
The Secondary Domain Management Server automatically functions servers as the
Active Server
Administrators must manually changes a Standby Domain Server to the Active state
to make changes to objects and policy
The system will automatically select a Standby Domain Server to be the Active
Domain Server
The Standby Domain Server automatically changes to Active state and
administrators must manually synchronize the policy
67-Which of the following are features of the Check Point MDSM solution: i) Multiple management domains ii) Centralized security management and monitoring iii) Global Security Policy functionality iv) Granular role-based administration v) Multi-Domain log server vi) Domain High Availability
All - i, ii, iii,iv,v,vi
Only - i and v
Only - i, ii and vi
Only - i, ii, v and vi
Which of the following is not included in Global Threat Prevention Policy?
When working with VSX on a Multi-Domain Server it is best to manage___________________
VSX Gateways and Virtual Systems in separate domains
All Gateways in the same domain
VSX Gateways and Physical Gateways in the separate domain
VSX Gateways and Virtual Systems in the same domain
How many domains can a Multi-Domain Management Server host?
up to 256
up to 254
up to 252
up to 250
The Global Domain is a permanent, automatically generated Domain on every MDSM that _________________________________
Manages Global firewalls
Logs all traffic in the Multi-Domain Environment
Secures the Multi-Domain Server
Manages Global objects and rules
How many Internal Certificate Authorities are used by a Domain in a MDSM System?
The administrator can select whether to use the Primary MDS Certificate Authority
or individual internal Certificate Authorities
The Primary MDS Certificate Authority handles all certificate needs in the MDSM
Each Domain has its own Internal Certificate Authority that is suborndinate to the
Primary MDS Certificate Authority
Every Domain has an Internal Certificate Authority and an External Certificate
Authority for use with communication with the Multi-Domain server
The Global Domain Database contains:
Records of all domain administrators
All rules, objects and settings for all domains
Rules, objects and settings which are shared with each domain or with specified
Information about all Domain Servers and Domain Log Servers
Which of the following types is NOT used in a typical VSX configuration?
Warp links
Virtual (VLAN) Interface
Physical interfaces
When considering Global Assignments of Policies _______________________
A Global Access Policy can be assigned to all policies inside a domain or to a
specified domain policy
Global Access Policy are automatically assigned to all domain policies
A Global Access Policy can only be assigned to one specific domain policy at a time
A Global Access Policy is assigned to all policies inside a domain
Administrators can back-up Multi-Domain management servers using Snapshots, System Backups and ____________________
save configuration
migrate export
Which of the following Processes is not displayed in the mdsstat