China X Estados Unidos

China X Estados Unidos

Good morning this quiz is about the trade war between these pages.

Imagem de perfil user: Diogo Dias

Diogo Dias

If the trade war continues, will the world economy improve?

If the trade war continues, will the world economy improve?

No, it effects all countries
Yes, it only effcts the China and USA

If the United states goes into crisis, China will be the biggest power in the world.

False, would be the Japan.
True, because they are currently are the seond.

If the United states raises the tariff, China will be happy.

Yes, it would be the best fot China.
No, it only increase disagreements.

If tariffs on Chineses products increase, will icri go to China?

If the war continues, will the world PIB incraese?

If the war continues, will the world PIB incraese?

will not decrease.

If the trump is Chinese, the Xi Jinping is American.

If the possible impeachment against Donald Trump happens it could worsen global economic activity.

If the possible impeachment against Donald Trump happens it could worsen global economic activity.

False, only theirs will be affected.
True, as it will further slow down the rifts between these two countries.

If Donald Trump raised the price of Chinese export taxes, it is because he wanted to help China?

True, everything consistis of helping China
Lie, because it was actually a strategy to prevent China's economic development.
If China goes into crisis, will it favor Brazil?

If China goes into crisis, will it favor Brazil?

Not because China is one of the main destinations for Brazilian exports.
Yes we don't use any of them at all, all of their products are bad.

If China is experiencing a very large economic development, it means that it is no longer an underdeveloped country.

No, because China is already a developed country.
Yes there are still many problems so it is considered underdeveloped.

If we use most products because it's cheap.

Not all products from China are horrible.
Yes we use it because it is cheap and good quality day.
If there is an emperor in China, it means that he is a capitalist.

If there is an emperor in China, it means that he is a capitalist.

Not actually China claims to be communist.
Yes China declares itself capitalist.

If China manages to create the 5g intenet, the United States will be at a disadvantage.

False, won't change anything.
True, that's why the United States told other countries not to use 5g.

If there was no agreement between the 2 countries, the situation would get worse.

False, it would get even worse.
True, it was likeky to continue.
If China does not follow trough with the agreement, nothing will happen.

If China does not follow trough with the agreement, nothing will happen.

Lie, because that would probally irrtate the USA.
True, nothing would happen.
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