Christmas Quiz(About the presentation)

Christmas Quiz(About the presentation)

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Imagem de perfil user: Ana Julia
Ana Julia


What is "Papai noel" in English?

What is "Papai noel" in English?

Santa Claus
Santa clara
Daddy Christmas
Why do we celebrate Christmas?

Why do we celebrate Christmas?

To celebrate Jesus' birthday
To celebrate the rise of Rome
To celebrate the birth of Jesus
What are the Christmas traditions?

What are the Christmas traditions?

Decorate home, exchange gifts, write letters to Santa Claus, Christmas dinner, see family
Decorating your house, exchanging stickers, eating, not seeing your family, not playing
What are the typical Christmas dishes?

What are the typical Christmas dishes?

Meat, chicken, roasts, biscuits,rice, farofa, pudding etc
Rice, beans, couscous, cachaça, live fish
Sugarcane juice, birthday cake and juice
What are the days to celebrate Christmas?

What are the days to celebrate Christmas?

December 24th and 25th
December 27th and 25th
November 24th and 25th
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