Quiz-English version

Quiz-English version

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Imagem de perfil user: Aviso 24
Aviso 24
What does this image correspond to.

What does this image correspond to.

Corresponds to cardiac monitoring.
Corresponds to an earthquake monitoring.
What are hot flashes?

What are hot flashes?

It is when, at least in 6 consecutive days, the maximum temperature exceeds 5º C the average temperature for the season.
This is when the average temperature rises to 50º C.
What are Civil Protection Agents?

What are Civil Protection Agents?

Security Forces, Fire Departments, Armed Forces, Maritime and Aeronautical Authorities, Medical emergency services and wildfire first responders.
Security and Teachers
Butchers and shopkeepers.
What are climate changes?

What are climate changes?

These are variations in climate that persist for decades or longer.
These are temperature variations below 5ºC.
These are climate variations in a period inferior to a decade.
What is an earthquake?

What is an earthquake?

Sea surface movement.
Sudden release of energy that causes movements of the earth’s surface.
When the earth flees from under your feet.
What is a simulacrum?

What is a simulacrum?

It is an exercise in which engagement rules, procedures and planned actions are tested in different scenarios.
It’s a school party.
It’s a meeting at my parent’s house.
What are self-protection measures?

What are self-protection measures?

These are safety organization and management procedures measures for a minimum guarantee in emergency situations.
They are the use of helmets, boots, gloves und uniforms at work.
What is an emergency plan?

What is an emergency plan?

A document that defines must have procedures in a possible emergency event.
It’s a top secret protection document.
The highest authority for civil protection in the municipality is the fire chief.

The highest authority for civil protection in the municipality is the fire chief.

Who assumes the role of disaster relief operations commander?

Who assumes the role of disaster relief operations commander?

The head of the first team to arrive at the Operations Theatre (OT).
The one with the largest abdominal perimeter.
The oldest agent.
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