Clothes Vocabulary

Clothes Vocabulary

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Imagem de perfil user: Leonardo Bassi
Leonardo Bassi


What's this?

What's this?

It's a black cap
It's a gray belt
It's a black scarf.
It's a black belt.
What's this?

What's this?

It's a dark blue cap.
It's a blue cap.
It's a light green hat.
It's a dark green hat.
What are these? ("These" is the plural of "This")

What are these? ("These" is the plural of "This")

They're white gloves.
It's black socks.
They're white socks.
They're blue socks.
What are these?

What are these?

They's shorts.
They're pants.
They're shorts.
It's shorts
What are these?

What are these?

They're jeans.
They're pants.
They're socks.
It's jeans.
What's this?

What's this?

They're red gloves
It's red gloves.
They're red scarf.
It's a red scarf.
What are these?

What are these?

They're white sneakers/trainers.
They're blue shirts/sneakers.
They're gray sneakers/shorts.
It's white sneakers/trainers.
What's this?

What's this?

They're a white T-shirt.
It's a white shirt.
They're white shirt.
It's a white T-shirt.
What's this?

What's this?

It's a black and white jacket.
It's a black and gray hoodie.
They're black and white jacket.
It's a black and white shirt.
What's this?

What's this?

It's a red T-shirt.
They're white shirt.
It's a white shirt.
It's a gray shirt.
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