Cold War. English Quizz

Cold War. English Quizz

проверьте свои знания о холодной войне. test your knowledge of the cold war.


Who were the main participants in the cold war?

United States and Cuba
Brazil and Germany
States Japan and China
Russia and United States
USSR and United States
What was the cold war?

What was the cold war?

The armed conflict between Russia and the United States.
The armed conflict between two refrigerator manufacturers.
Name given to the policy that polarized the world into two military political blocs after the second war.
The conflict that happened in the winter, therefore, cold war.
What was the name of the American plan that was decisive in the fight against the Soviet advance?

What was the name of the American plan that was decisive in the fight against the Soviet advance?

Exversal plane
Understand Plan
Plan of Versailles
Plane Marshall
Which country was the most successful with the division of the USSR?

Which country was the most successful with the division of the USSR?

Estados Unidos

What was the period when the cold war occurred?

1947 à 1991
1991 à 2003
1937 à 1999
1940 à 1993
What was the outcome of the cold war?

What was the outcome of the cold war?

The Jews won the war and built Israel.
Brazil got rid of the English clutches and managed to keep its coffee thanks to the help of the USA.
France managed to dominate Alsace Lorraine.
Japan dominated Hawaii and Pearl Harbor.
The US won the war with a direct confrontation with USSR.
The US ended up winning the USSR without a direct confrontation. The cause was a crisis in Socialism.
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