colors, clothers, materials and styles

colors, clothers, materials and styles

quetions about colors, clothers, materials and styles.

Imagem de perfil user: Livia Oliveira
Livia Oliveira


what is she wearing?

what is she wearing?

she is wearing a white t-shirt, a black and orange striped shirt, and a fair jeans.
she is wearing a blue t-shirt, a black and red floral-print shirt, and a baggy jeans.
she is wearing a white blouse, a black and red plaid shirt, and a fair jeans.
what is he wearing?

what is he wearing?

he is wearing a dark grey loonge sleeve blouse, a black vest and grey social jeans.
he is wearing a dark grey blouse, a black vest and grey flair jeans.
he is wearing a light grey loonge sleeve blouse, a black vest and black social pants.
what's it made of?

what's it made of?

what's it made of?

what's it made of?

What do the colors in this palette have in common? And what are the colors? From left to right.

What do the colors in this palette have in common? And what are the colors? From left to right.

All are pastel colors . Composed by orange, green, light green, pink and blue.
All are pastel colors . Composed by red, green, light green, pink and purple.
All are neon colors .Composed by orange, green, light green, pink and blue.
All are neon colors .Composed by red, green, light green, pink and blue.
All are neon colors.Composed by red, green, light green, pink and purple.
what are the two types of collar she is wearing?

what are the two types of collar she is wearing?

v-neck and turtleneck.
v-neck and round collar
round collar and turtleneck
turtleneck and v-neck
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