Complete a letra da música (Lana Del Rey)

Complete a letra da música (Lana Del Rey)

Complete a música

Imagem de perfil user: Jovem Pessoa
Jovem Pessoa
"Be a good baby, do what I want..."

"Be a good baby, do what I want..."

Fire of my loins,light of my life
Light of my life, fire of my loins
"My baby used to dance underneath my architecture..."

"My baby used to dance underneath my architecture..."

He was '60s in spirit,'80s in his frame of mind
He was '70s in spirit,'90s in his frame of mind
"Oh,be my once in a lifetime..."

"Oh,be my once in a lifetime..."

Lying on your chest,in my white dress
Lying on your chest,in my party dress
"But i just find my way back in..."

"But i just find my way back in..."

Purple,blue,green,red to keep me out
Violet,blue,green,red to keep me out
"...Jesus is my bestest friend"

"...Jesus is my bestest friend"

Elvis is my daddy,Marilyn's my mother
Marilyn's my mother,Elvis is my daddy
"Cause you like your women..."

"Cause you like your women..."

Italian,dark,strong and proud
Spanish,dark,strong and proud
"And the ways you move..."

"And the ways you move..."

Send me straight to paradise...
Send me straight to heaven...
"When all my friends say i should take some space..."

"When all my friends say i should take some space..."

Well i can't envision,that for a second
Well i can't envision,that for a minute

"In the smoke they can hear me coming..."

If i were you,and you was me...
If you were me, and i was you...

"Money is the anthem of success..."

So before we go out,what's your address?
So before we go out,what's your dress?
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