Continue "Can't help falling in love" -elvis presley

Continue "Can't help falling in love" -elvis presley

Acerte a continuação da música "Can't help falling in love" do Elvis presley

Imagem de perfil user: Julia Guacasi Cardoso


"Shall I stay?. "

"Shall I stay?. "

"Would it be a sin"
"Falling I love with you"
"Surely to the sea"
"Darling so it goes"
"Darling so it goes"

"Darling so it goes"

"Some thing are meat to be"
"But I can't help"
"Take my hand"
"Surely to the sea"
"Like a river flows"

"Like a river flows"

"Falling in love with you"
"If I can't help"
"Some thing are meat to be"
"Surely to the sea"
"Take my hands. "

"Take my hands. "

"But I can't help. "
"For I can't help falling in love. "
"Wise man say"
"Take my whole life too"
"But I can't help"

"But I can't help"

"If i can't help"
"Falling in love with you"
"Shall I stay? "
"Wise man say"
"Wise man say. "

"Wise man say. "

"Like a river flows"
"Only fools rush in"
"But I can't help"
"Shall I stay"
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