Corona virus efects in the word economy

Corona virus efects in the word economy

A quiz to know how much you know about the economycs efects of corona virus in the words

Imagem de perfil user: Alanna Silva

Alanna Silva


if a good part of the world population is subjected to isolation measures, which include closing schools and commerce, interrupting industrial production and closing borders would happends:

A paralyzed economy
A fluid economy
an increase in cases
the separation of northeastern brazil

if countries had taken a measure before this virus spread, would we in that situation?


if this pandemic gets worst, the year of 2020 will be in the history like:

The best economy year
The worst year for babes
The year with worst performance since the Great Depression of 1929
The year of investments

if the corona expands into poorest countries, what would they do to improve the situation?

they must conduct mass tests to identify the cases and their contacts, and isolate and treat everyone. Especially places that are most vulnerable to outbreaks need to be protected
continue everything normally
sell gel alcohol at cheap prices

if the countries wants to stop the economic decline and regression, they would have to:

Continue the normals plans for the economy
Do big investiments
prioritize and massively expand spending on diagnosis and treatment of infected people

if coronavirus really does bring down economies around the world, what will happen to GDP?

The GPD is going to be normal
estimates of GDP for countries, especially Brazil, are likely to fall further

if the population is not very careful with the coronavirus, will there be a great chaos rise?


if people reduce consumption practices in this pandemic, will the factories go bankrupt?


if more factories in China continue to close, what would happen?

Would have a lot of products in the stores
The things Will stay normal
many products will go missing

the investment market will be affected if:

government investment falls, as many companies have government-linked stock exchanges, and the government is investing in thinks that Will help the poor peoples in this pandemic
consumers stop buying
investors stop investing

if people are buying more and more online, what will happen

physical stores, restaurants and shopping malls will close and online stores and delivery services will increase
more physical stores will open
online stores will go bankrupt

if we continue with the presence of the coronavirus, what would happen to companies:

The companies will suffer heavily from the effects of the crisis
The companies Will be good

if China's industries continue to be closed, what would happen to products exported to Brazil?

they will have an increase in prices
They will have good prices
They will have normal prises

What will happen to the economic chain of goods and services if a large part of the population, correctly, is in their homes, without circulating in bars, restaurants, shops, malls etc, and educational establishments closed their face-to-face activities, which, in the public sector, worsens even more in the face of the absence of school lunches and at the peak of production, and the industries are slowing down and agribusiness struggling to keep supplies normalized?

this points to less revenue across the economic chain of goods and services
This point to more revenue across the economic chain of goods and services
The last question:If with this pandemic we are having more virtual contact with different parts of Brazil and the world, will our world become more globalized, and with more cultures being shared?

The last question:If with this pandemic we are having more virtual contact with different parts of Brazil and the world, will our world become more globalized, and with more cultures being shared?

No, we will be more away com each other
Yes, of course
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