Could you become Leader? - Warrior Cats

Could you become Leader? - Warrior Cats

Well, the title is pretty self-explanatory

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S a d

You just became an apprentice, mentored by LeafStream, what should you do?

Go to the elders den and search for advice
Follow your mentor when she asks to
Leave the camp and try to hunt!
Ask to go on a border patrol

While you were out hunting, a badger appeared! Your mentor, LeafStream, started fighting against it! What should you do?

Stay there and wait for the opportunity to help
Run to the forest
Attack the badger
Go to the camp and look for help

Your mentor was able to survive, but she's to weak to mentor you, so NightStar makes CrowTooth your mentor. He asks you to go on a Border Patrol, what do you do?

Follow, I'm trusting him!
Ignore him and go to a Hunting Patrol
Go to the Medicine cat den to see LeafStream

CrowTooth takes you to the patrol with MapleLeaf, you noticed that you are on the Snake Rocks, what should you do?

Keep silent, CrowTooth scares me out!
Warn MapleLeaf, CrowTooth knows where he's going!
Ask CrowTooth where we are
Pounce on CrowTooth, he's going to kill us!

CrowTooth asks you to go back to camp because there are foxes nearby, but you hide there and see MapleLeaf being attacked!

Run to camp to get help
Try to trick him saying NightStar is here
Pounce on CrowTooth, he doesn't know I'm here
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